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About Aleksandra Toborowicz : Dr Aleksandra Toborowicz is a Polish graphic designer, muralist, painter and academic teacher – Professor Assistant and Head of the Lettering and Typography Studio and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Graphics Art at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Poland. STATEMENT OF ART:PhD degree (Doctor of Arts) at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow in 2015. In 2008 graduated from the Faculty of Graphics Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow (Poland). DESIGNER / PAINTER / MURALIST / LECTURER Graphic designer, designing mostly for typography, publishing, murals and installations. Awards: 2 Golden, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze and 5 Iron A' Design Awards for books and ID and website in A’ Design Award and Competition (2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 3 x winner in 50 Books in 50 books | 50 covers organized by Design Observer and AIGA, 2 x Polish Graphic Design Awards,, the Merit Award in the Hiii Typography 2014, European Design Award, Communication Arts – Exhibit Online 2015, Behance and Editorial Design Served, the Most Beautiful Books of the Year (2015, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022). 2 awards of the Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, the National Education Committee Medal 2015, Art of Packaging; Scholarship of Polish Ministry of Culture and Heritage "Młoda Polska" in 2010 and scholarship of Ministry of Culture and Heritage in 2016, 2002 and 2020. Member of a board Foundation Znaczy Się (2012–2013). “A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.” Paul Cezanne ORGANIZATION: Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: Multimedia designer Media, graphic, printing, culture, design EDUCATION: 2015, PhD in Art, Graphic Designer, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, CRACOW/POLAND 2008, Graphic Designer, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, MA, CRACOW/POLAND 2006, Graphic Designer, Lahti University of Applied Sciences, scholarship MA, LAHTI/FINLAND 2003, Graphic Designer, Jacek Malczewski Secondary Art School in Częstochowa, CZESTOCHOWA/ POLAND EXPERIENCE: 2016– Assistant Professor at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, CRACOW/POLAND 2009–2017 assistant lecturer at the Lettering and Typography Studio, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, CRACOW/POLAND 2008–, curator, art director, Museum of Erotic Art, CRACOW/POLAND 2012-2013, member of a board, New Art Foundation Znaczy Się, CRACOW/POLAND 2009, graphic designer, Neumannbrown, CRACOW/POLAND 2008, graphic designer, Tomatoe Printshop, CRACOW/POLAND PRIVATE EXHIBITIONS: January 2017 – “Sentimental Exhibition”, Bal, CRACOW, POLAND September 2016 – January 2017, Ren Art Gallery, Istanbul, TURKEY - April – June 2016, “Manifestation of Dot” – lettering, multidimensional and interactive installation “Typo Noise”, 7 th Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial, SHARJAH / UAE - November 2015, Red Gallery, Centrum Sztuki Mościce, TARNOW, POLAND - February 2015, Exhibit Online, Communication Arts, USA - May 2014, Centrum Gallery, Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury in Cracow, CRACOW / POLAND - July 2013, Galeria Elektor, Mazowieckie Centrum Kultury i Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland - January 2013 – Gallery Palace Vauxhall, Krzeszowice, Poland - 2011, typograhic installation „Typo Noise”, Onamato Gallery, CRACOW / POLAND MIXED EXHIBITIONS: January – April 2017, “Motion”, Gruning Gallery, Kraków, POLAND - September – October 2016, Beijing Design Week 2016, Beijing, CHINA - 2015, “The Physical Exhibition of Design at the Museum of Outstanding Design”, COMO / ITALY - February 2017, auction exhibition of painting, Bohema Nowa Sztuka Auction Housse and Gallery, Warsaw, Poland - January – April 2017, painting exhibition, “Motion”, Gruning Gallery, Kraków, Poland, - September – October 2016, Beijing Design Week 2016, Beijing, China - 2015, “The Physical Exhibition of Design at the Museum of Outstanding Design”, Como / Italy - 9–28 June 2016, A’ Design Awards and Competitions: A’ Winners’ Exhibition in „mood” Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy - 2 July – 4 August 2016, A’ Design Awards and Competitions: A’ Winners’ Exhibition in Cube Design Museum, Museumplein, Kerkrade, Holland - 7 April – 12 May 2016, A’Winners Exhibition in Espacio Ricardo Lorenzo, 40 x 40 Exhibition Santander, Gallery the College of Architects of Cantabria, Calle de Aguayos num. 5, Spain - July 2016, street art exhibition „Streetartzona Exit”, C.K. Norwid artzona Cultural Centre in Cracow, Poland - 2015, “Opened. Sketches of the Artists from the Circle of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow”, CRACOW / POLAND - 2014, “TYPOPLA(G)KAT”, Galerie Satelit, BRATISLAVA / SLOVAKIA - 2013, exhibition STGU, Targi Wiedzy Graficznej, WARSAW / POLAND - 2013, “Academy of Fine Arts in Bronowice”, Gallery Bronowice, CRACOW / POLAND - 2013, “Pracownia Malarstwa II”, Gallery Palace Vauxhall, KRZESZOWICE / POLAND - 2012, „Projekt Roku – Polski Konkurs Graficzny STGU 2012”, Starter Gallery, WARSAW / POLAND - 2012, „322 Love”, DOLNY KUBIN / SLOVAKIA - 2012, exhibition STGU „Overdesigned?”, Fundacja Sztuki Nowej Znaczy Się Gallery, CRACOW / POLAND - 2011, exhibition STGU „Overdesigned?”, Łódź Design, LODZ/POLAND - 2011, exhibition STGU, Rondo Sztuki, KATOWICE/POLAND - 2011, „XXX w DNA”, Zbiornik Kultury, CRACOW/POLAND - 2011, Typographic Poster exhibition, Zamek Sztuki i Przedsiębiorczości w Cieszynie, CIESZYN/POLAND - 2011, graphics and paintings, Onamato Gallery, CRACOW/POLAND - 2011, „322 Out of Space”, DOLNY KUBIN/SLOVAKIA - 2009, Awarded Design Works, Triennale in Trnava, Jan Konniarek Gallery, TRNAVA/SLOVAKIA - 2009, exhibition STGU, Rondo Sztuki, KATOWICE/POLAND - 2007, finalists’ design student exhibition, Międzynarodowe Biennale Studenckiej Grafiki Projektowej AGRAFA 2007, Rondo Sztuki, KATOWICE/POLAND - 2006, drawing student exhibition, PWST, CRACOW/POLAND - 2006, „Usti design/Sąsiedzi” USTI NAD LABEM/CZECH REPUBLIC - 2006, Poster Studio Student Exhibition, Pałac Sztuki, CRACOW/POLAND - 2006, „Granice rysunku” (drawing exhibition), W. Siemaszkowa Theatre, RZESZOW/POLAND - 2006, workshops’ painting exhibition, JAROSLAW/POLAND - 2006, III International Drawing Competition Exhibition, WROCLAW/POLAND - 2005, Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej, ORONSKO/POLAND EVENTS: 2016, Scholarship founded by the city Krakow (Stypendium Twórcze miasta Krakowa) 2016, Scholarship founded by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage 2015, The National Education Committee Medal, Poland 2010, "Młoda Polska" Scholarship ("Young Poland") founded by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage 2002, Scholarship founded by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage 2002, Scholarship founded by the Mayor of Częstochowa AWARDS: 2020, 2 x Silver Awards, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2020, Bronze Award, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2019, 2 x Iron A’ Design Awards, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2018, Golden A’ Design Award, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2018, Bronze A’ Design Award, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2018, Iron A’ Design Award, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2017, Golden A’ Design Award, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2017, Silver A’ Design Award, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2015, The “Ars Quaerendi” Award, CRACOW / POLAND 2015, 2016, 2018, Winner, 50 Books in 50 Books | 50 Covers, Design Observer and AIGA, NY / USA 2014, Bronze Award, A’ Design & Communication Awards, COMO / ITALY 2015, Merit Award, Hiii Typography 2014, CHINA 2015, 2016, 2018 Distinction and Award – The Most Beautiful Books of the Year, PTWK, WARSAW / POLAND 2012, 2015, 2 distinctions – European Design Award, Helsinki and Turkey 2015, Exhibit Online by Communication Arts, USA 2014, Editorial Design Served distinction, USA 2014, Behance distinction, USA 2014, The Rector's Award (The Rector of the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow) KRACOW / POLAND 2012, finalist, „Projekt Roku – Polski Konkurs Graficzny STGU 2012”, Polish Design Competition, WARSAW / POLAND 2011, distinction / finalist, European Design Awards, European Design Competition, HELSINKI / FINLAND 2009, Silver Medal, European Design Awards, European Design Competition, ZURICH/SWITZERLAND 2009, Special Prize – Slovak Award, Triennale in Trnava, International Design Competition, TRNAVA/SLOVAKIA 2009, distinction, Machina Design Awards, Polish Design Competition, WARSAW / POLAND 2009, finalist, Transvizualia, Polish Design Competition, GDYNIA / POLAND 2009, distinction, 2+3D Magazine Review of Best Graduation Works, International Design Competition, CRACOW / POLAND 2006, finalist, Art of Packaging, Polish Design Competition, POZNAN / POLAND PRESS APPEARANCES: 2014, "Koncert na scianie NCK", Wiadomosci ASP, January, CRACOW/POLAND 2013, "W meandrach wyobrazni", EksMagazyn, September–October, CRACOW/POLAND 2013, "Zapis spontanicznosci. Malarstwo Aleksandry Toborowicz" Wiadomosci ASP, October, CRACOW/POLAND 2013, "Taki weekend to sztuka!", Lodolamacz, October–November, CRACOW/POLAND 2013, "Mamy czas. Krakowscy graficy mlodego pokolenia", quarterly 2+3D – grafika plus produkt nr 48, March, CRACOW/POLAND 2012, "Murale", Soul Magazine nr 22, December, CRACOW/POLAND 2012, "Dziennik Polski” nr 289, Kronika Krakowska, December, CRACOW/POLAND2012, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, December, CRACOW/POLAND 2012, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, August, CRACOW/POLAND 2011, „Gazeta Wyborcza”, August, CRACOW/POLAND 2009, "Najlepsze dyplomy Projektowe", quarterly 2+3D – grafika plus produkt, CRACOW/POLAND 2009, "Wstepnie, wstydliwie, wystepnie", Sztuka.pl, June, CRACOW/POLAND 2009, „Machina Design”, WARSAW/POLAND BOOKS: 2015, Sketches of the Artists from the Circle of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow", 32 pages, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Press in Cracow, ISBN: 978-83-64448-41-6 2014, "Grafika ASP Krakow" ("Graphic Arts Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków"), 432 pages, edit. Krzysztof Tomalski, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Press in Cracow, ISBN: 978-83-64448-19-5 2014, "Krakowski Szlak Street Artu" ("Cracow Routes of Street Art"), 50 pages, Galeria Krakowska 2013, "Akademia w Bronowicach" ("Academy of Fine Arts in Bronowice"), Gallery Bronowice, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Press in Cracow, 60 pages, CRACOW/POLAND, ISBN: 978-83-64448-02-7 2013, „Pracownia Malarstwa II”, ASP Kraków, 32 pages, edit. Stanisław Tabisz, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Press in Cracow, CRACOW/POLAND, ISBN 978-83-62321-27-8 2012, „European Design Awards 2012”, ATHENS/GREECE 2012, „83 lata Pracowni Liternictwa i Typografii w ASP w Krakowie” ( The 83rd Anniversary of the Lettering and Typography Studio of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow"), 160 pages, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Press in Cracow, CRACOW/POLAND, ISBN 978-83-62321-26-1 2011, „TOUCH the design of beauty!” vol. 02, Wondering Publishing Co. Ltd. edit. Chris Li, 200 pages, SHANGHAI/CHINA, ISBN 193714400-3 2011, "Liberatura - unia formy i treści", "Tekst, Tworzywo, Twórca", 264 pages, Koło Naukowe Edytorów, edit.: Justyna Niedbała, Jowita Podwysocka-Modrzejewska, LODZ/POLAND ISBN: 978-83-928185-2-6 2011, "Overdesigned?", STGU, 106 pages, WARSAW/POLAND 2010, „PGR – projektowanie graficzne w Polsce", 300 pages, Karakter Publishing House, edit. Jacek Mrowczyk, Michał Warda, CRACOW/POLAND, ISBN 978-83-927366-8-4 2009, „European Design Awards” 2009, 342 pages, ATHENS/GREECE, ISBN 97896098284-1-3 2009, „Trnava Poster Triennial 2009”, 120 pages, TRNAVA/SLOVAKIA, ISBN 978-80-85132-58-8, 2008, „Najlepsze Dyplomy Projektowe 2007/2008" (Best Graduation Projects 2007/2008), CRACOW/POLAND 2006, „Art of Packaging Dossier”, 80 pages, POZNAN/POLAND 2006, „Sousede”, USTI NAD LABEM/CZECH REPUBLIC, ISBN 80-7044-791-5 2003, "Najdoskonalsza droga", 48 pages, St. Paul's Publishing, ISBN: 83-7168-775-3 2002, „III Biennale Sztuki Komputerowej”, 12 pages, LODZ/POLAND LANGUAGE SKILLS: English - Advanced COMPUTER LITERACY: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash SYMPOSIUMS AND ACADEMIC CONFERENCES:: 2011, "Tekst, Tworzywo, Twórca" ("Text, Material, Author"), Koło Naukowe Edytorów, Lodz University, LODZ/POLAND MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: 2009–2016 , member of the Association of Applied Graphic Designers (STGU) / POLAND 2012-2013, member of a board at Fundacja Sztuki Nowej Znaczy Sie, CRACOW/POLAND COLLECTIONS: 2014, Museum of Design, COMO/ITALY JURY MEMBERSHIPS: 2014, A Mural Competition "101 Murali dla Krakowa" (101 Murals for Cracow), CRACOW/POLAND 2013, Design Competition „Wirtualne Muzea Małopolski”, Małopolski Instytut Kultury, CRACOW/POLAND 2012, Coca-Cola, Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, CRACOW/POLAND 2012, www layout competition, Biuro Karier Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, CRACOW/POLAND HOBBIES: cats, traveling, painting CLIENTELE: PWM, National Centre for Culture Poland, National Library of Poland, National Museum in Warsaw, HAART corporation, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Znak Publishing House, "Slask" Dance and Song Ensemble, Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe WEB SITE: atoborowicz.myportfolio.com PORTFOLIO URL: betance.net/atoborowicz REGISTRATION DATE: 2014-09-16 03:51:56 COUNTRY/REGION: Poland ACCOUNT TYPE: Academic |
Awards received by Aleksandra Toborowicz
Runner-Up status designs by Aleksandra Toborowicz
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Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |