A' Design Award Exhibition
A' Design Award and Competition annually organizes a design exhibition at the MOOD - Museum of Outstanding Design. The exhibition location changes each year. Professional edition winners of A' Design Award & Competition are provided an opportunity to exhibit their physical works for free while the digital edition participants are usually provided a shared video wall / screen that showcases their work, in both cases there are no fees for taking part in the exhibition. Laureates are also provided with certificate for each exhibition, the exhibition certificate is different from the award winners certificate.
Very Valuable Exhibition for Good Design
The A' Design Award exhibition is organized and physically exhibited first in Italy and then moved to many countries every single year, best works are selected by design museum curators for permanent exhibition in design museum and all works are provided with exhibition certificate. The design exhibition services includes packaging, installation, handling of all non-bulky exhibition items as well as preparation of infographics, posters, screen presentations, provision of space and spotlighting the works as well as photography of exhibited designs and invitation of high-profile guests, and all these services are provided completely free of charge for the award-winning designers, as part of our full respects policy for good design. When you win the A' Design Award, your work is exhibited free of charge in our magnificient exhibition in Italy and abroad in many countries. Media members and high-profile individuals, business leaders, diplomats and cultural elite are invited to attend exhibition vernissage every year. To take part in our exhibition, and get your work exhibited in Italy, in many other countries abroad, and to have a chance of your work getting accepted to the permanent collection of our design museum, and to have your design reach invited journalists, diplomats and the cultural elite, make sure to Sign-up for a free account now and nominate your design before the deadline, to have an amazing opportunity too take part in our award winning designs exhibition.

The design award exhibition opening usually features a welcome cocktail that serves very fine Italian prosecco, docg red wine, docg white wine, sprits, aperitivo as well as soft drinks, usually accompanied by live classicial music to entertain the guests, in general an opening speech is made before the exhibition begins.

Exhibition of Products and Physical Items
It is great to know that winners are given opportunity to (but not obliged to) send their products and mock-ups to the exhibition, for this purpose A' Design Award & Competition provides stands and additional physical space, again free of charge for all professional edition winners. It is our obligation to remind you that the exhibition curator can decide to exclude certain designs from exhibition, including but not limited to any work that was damaged during transportation, dangerous, too bulky or due to space constraints. If you send in your product for exhibition, we could even decide to keep it for permanent collection and exhibit it every year, as long as the item condition stays good.

Exhibition Certificates
It is happy to know that each participant gets a special design award exhibition participation certificate for each of the design exhibitions organized in an award period. For example, if in a given year, we organize several exhibitions in different countries, you would be able to download several certificates, one for each exhibition, and of course that is also provided free of charge to our laurates. The A' Design Award Exhibition Participation Certificates are great to add to your archives, to use in social media for promoting your brand and even useful for academic progression points as well as for citizenship applications. Winners can download their exhibition certificates from here: Design Award Exhibition Certificates and Exhibition Participation page.

Design Exhibition in Italy
Every year, during our Gala-Night and Award Ceremony in Italy, we start with a satellite exhibition where we introduce to our esteemed VIP guests such as important people in industry, ambassadors, diplomats, high-level government officials as well as industry leaders and most esteemed and influential press members, a selection of award-winning works in industrial, fashion, product and graphic design award categories in a physical exhibition supported by digital displays for showcasing works in architecture and digital arts.

Design Exhibitions Abroad
After organizing our design exhibition in Italy, we try to take this amazing design exhibition to as many countries as possible each year, in general we exhibit the designs in 6 to 8 cities. You will definetely have your award-winning design exhibited in Italy and most likely have your design exhibited in many more countries, and you will also get special certificate for each exhibition which is provided free of charge to all laureates, plus we will also take photos from each exhibition and share with you which will be accessible via our photo gallery.

Exhibition Posters and Displays
For each winning entry, A' Design Award & Competition either prints A2+ size posters on behalf of the winners without any charges, or procures very large (at least 65" - 165 cm very bright, color accurate displays) again without any charge to laurates, and for digital edition winners, only displays are provided. If A2 size posters are printed, these posters are later framed and hanged to the walls of the exhibition spaces. Here, it is important to note and disclaim that we organize exhibitions in different venues and countries, and we always try our best to carry the exhibitions to other countries, but not all venues could fit all the posters, in cases where the exhibition halls do not have enough space to fit all posters, we generally either rotate posters (which means we would hang part of the posters first for a set period and then rotate and switch the hanged posters with other posters), or we would display the posters that do not likely to fit the existing space, in digital screens, the decision of which posters to hang first, the order of any eventual rotation, and or which posters would be showcased digitally, is left to the exhibition curator. A' Design Award also reserves the right to make the exhibition completely digital, such as by means of projections, display walls and large digital signage or by using newer display methods including but not limited to 3D projections.

Open to Public & High Profile Press Members are Invited
The A' Design Award & Competitions' Winner Design Exhibition is open to public. The award winning designs' exhibition attracts many design oriented visitors, and serves to disseminate the award winning works further. During the Exhibition, visitors are also given opportunity to buy A' Design Award yearbooks. Award winners use the exhibition as a part of their public communication. We always have professional photographers present in the exhibition. Photos taken during the exhibition are further shared in public channels and are sent to designer media.

Offline + Online
The A' Design Award & Competitions' Winner Design Exhibition is physical; it is traditionally organized in Italy and then taken to many other countries every year, however we also have an amazing online design exhibition at MOOD - Museum of Outstanding Design.

Taking Part in the Exhibitions
Exhibition space is free for all eligible laurates. For digital participation, winners do not need to do anything; we will prepare everything for you, for physical participation; such as sending products for exhibition, that is managed from the control panel under the post-competition tab at exhibition participation page accessible after login. Award winners are required to confirm their participation status before the exhibition in order to get allocated their special space for exhibiting their physical products or mockups.
Important: In case, the space allocation is not enough to display all winners, we will try to rotate the exhibition images and posters or alternatively display only the Platinum and Gold projects, the decision is left to the exhibition curator, in most cases, if such limitation happens, we provide a digital display to ensure all winners are exhibited. For upcoming exhibition details and functionality for winners to send or retrieve items to the exhibition, please login and access exhibition participation page from your control panel.

- A' Winners' Exhibition at "Hebei Design Museum" at Shijiazhuang City - Hebei Design Museum and Innovation Design Center.
Dates: From December, 2023.
88 m2 Space will be provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided free poster printing and preparation service, we will also provide digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. Especially industrial designs, packaging designs and graphic works are welcome.
- A' Winners' Exhibition at "Xi'An Aerospace" at in Xi An City - Xi'An Aerospace City Center.
Dates: From December, 2023.
96 m2 Space will be provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided free poster printing and preparation service, we will also provide digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. Especially aerospace designs, industrial designs, packaging designs and graphic works are welcome with opportunity for architecture.
- A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" at Museo del Design, Via Bellinzona 15, Como, Italy.
Dates: 2025.
1200 m2 Space will be provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided free poster printing and preparation service, we will also provide digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. All categories will have equal opportunity, digital displays will be available for architectural and large-scale projects and heavy equipment and vehicles.
- A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" at Sala Bianca del Teatro, Como, Italy.
Dates: 2025.
330 m2 Space will be provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided digital displays. A' Design Award will prepare standardised screen presentations for each winner therefore every designers' works get exhibited. Designers who attend the opening ceremony will have opportunity to get video interviews and could have opportunity to reserve their spot in Ars Futura Cultura meetings. All categories will have equal opportunity, digital displays will be available for architectural and large-scale projects and heavy equipment and vehicles.
- A' Design Award Exhibition in Pune, India.
Dates: To be Disclosed. - We are working on this and did not confirm venue or dates yet.
This exhibition will focus mostly on Landscape Design, Architecture and Interior Design, and will also feature Furniture Design, Lighting, Urban Design, Building Components and other award-winning works in adjacent design award categories, Platinum and Gold award-winning works in all categories will be featured physically while Silver, Bronze and Iron winners in other categories will be represented by digital displays.
A' Design Award Exhibition in Egypt.
Dates: To be Disclosed. - We are working on this and did not confirm venue or dates yet.
This exhibition will give equal weight to all award winning works, physical exhibition space as well as digital space allocation will be possible.
A' Design Award Exhibition in Japan.
Dates: To be Disclosed. - We are working on this and did not confirm venue or dates yet.
This exhibition will give equal weight to all award winning works, physical exhibition space as well as digital space allocation will be possible.
- We would most likely have more exhibitions in some other countries this year as we do each year, in general we aim to have 6 to 8 international design exhibitions each year. Stay tuned! and check this page once in a while as we always put the news here and also check the gallery pages. Make sure to create an account and confirm your e-mail address and stay subscribed to our newsletter to get updates about upcoming exhibitions in your country.

Award winning designs will be exhibited at MOOD - Musuem of Outstanding Design which changes location each year. Learn more about the A' Design Award Winner Designs Exhibition. Above the expected exhibition date and venue is shown but please wait for our official email and invitation before sending your work.

A' Design Award 40 × 40 Design Exhibition - Ecotopia, New York, USA.
Dates: 21-27 September 2024 (New York).
Organized in collaboration with , Utopia Collaboration Inc, 207 m2 Space was provided to feature designs that focus most on sustainability, with also inclusion of Platinum and Gold level projects showcasing outstanding aesthetics, the exhibition featured physical works, printed posters and digital screens showcasing works that represented the best of best in design in 2024.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" at Sala Bianca del Teatro, Como, Italy.
Dates: 18 July - 25 July 2024.
330 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided 8 digital displays to showcase their creations. A' Design Award prepared screen presentations for each and every winner. All categories had equal opportunity with very large digital signage displays that were available for architectural and large-scale projects and heavy equipment and vehicles as well as digital designs. Industrial designs, fashion items and product designs were showcases physically in beatuiful golden plinths and showcase tables.

A' Design Award Dingzhou Exhibition, Dingzhou Industrial Design Innovation Center, No.6 ZiLaiFoBei Street, Dingzhou, China
Dates: 15 July 2024 - 30 December 2025
This exhibition primarily showcased communication design, packaging, product design and industrial design works as well as works in other categories, 100 m2 space was provided to laureates to showcase their works, in addition poster and digital presentations were avaialble.

A' Design Award Exhibition at Hebei Design Center, No.136, HuangHe Avenue, Gaoxinjishukaifa District, ShiJiaZhuang City, China
Dates: 1 January 2024 - 30 December 2024
100 m2 Space was provided to feature award-winning design works, the design exhibition featured mostly industrial design works, product designs and communication designs including but not limited to packaging, works were showcased physically. This is a permanent exhibition.

A' Design Award Exhibition at The Castle “In Love with the Wind”, Ravadinovo, Bulgaria.
Dates: July 1st - August 15 2024.
2.230 m2 space was provided to feature works in all award categories. Since this is a large exhibition, it will feature winning works from both the current edition and past edition. In addition to stands and displays for physical object showcase, 2 by 3 meter large screen will be used for digital presentation, together with other digital displays to showcase works. Selected works will have their exhibition posters printed for them.

A' Design Award XiAn Design Exhibition, Xian Aerospace Intelligence Area, Building No.4, Siluhuigu,ShenZhouLiu Road, XiAn City, China
Dates: 1 September 2020 - 30 December 2023
100 m2 Space was provided to feature award-winning design works, the design exhibition featured works in all categories with printed posters as well as digital display and physical works were featured. The exhibition was updated on years 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 with new works.

A' Design Award Exhibition at "FOAID - Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference", India.
Dates: 24-25 November 2023 (New Delhi).
96 m2 Space will be provided to feature spatial design, with a heavy focus on architecture, interior design, landscape design as well as featuring urban design and potential for industrial design such as furniture design to be featured with printed posters. Digital Screens are present to showcase winners from all other categories.

A' Design Award 40 x 40 Exhibition Łódź, Poland.
Dates: 12 January 2024 - 25 February 2024
100 m2 Space was provided to feature works, the exhibition featured designs in all categories, large displays were available for digital images as well as larger works and projects that cannot be displayed physically.

A' Design Award Shenzhen Design Exhibition, Building No.4, Sino-Finnish Design Park, FuNian Plaza, ShiHua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China.
Dates: 27 November 2023 - 28 February 2024
80 m2 Space was provided to feature award-winning design works, the exhibition focused mostly on industrial design and product designs yet also featured designs in other categories such as architecture, communication and fashion. This design exhibition featured many physical exhibits in addition to poster presentations and digital displays.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "SZIDF" at SZIDF is held at Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China.
Dates: 23 November - 26 November 2023.
96 m2 Space will be provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided free poster printing and preparation service, we will also provide digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. This exhibition focuses more on industrial designs and product design, yet we also feature packaging as well as architecture and visual works.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "HIDW" at Booth A1 at Hebei Industrial Design Week, Green Building Exhibition Center XiongAn, XiongAn New Area, Hebei, China.
Dates: 22 September - 25 September 2023.
60 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided free poster printing and preparation service, we will also provide digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. This exhibition focuses more on industrial designs and product design, yet we also feature architecture, graphics and communication design.

A' Design Award Exhibition at Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference, Mumbai, India. Dates: 18-19 August 2023.
96 m2 Space was provided to feature spatial design, with a heavy focus on architecture, interior design, landscape design as well as featuring urban design and potential for industrial design such as furniture design to be featured with printed posters. Digital Screens are present to showcase winners from all other categories.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" at Sala Bianca del Teatro, Como, Italy.
Dates: 18 July - 20 July 2023.
330 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who could not join by physical works were provided digital displays. A' Design Award prepared standardised screen presentations for each winner therefore every designers' works were exhibited. All categories had the equal opportunity for showcase with 7 very large digital signage displays that were especially made available for architectural and large-scale projects and heavy equipment and vehicles as well as digital designs and other projects which could not be exhibited physically. Industrial designs and product designs were showcased on exhibition displays and stands.

A' Design Award Exhibition at Design Milan at Crystal Hall, in Bangalore, India.
Dates: 3 - 5 February, 2023.
This exhibition focused mostly on Fashion, Jewelry, Fashion Accessories, Travel Accessories, Footwear, Textile Design and similar categories, Platinum and Gold winning works in other categories will also be exhibited while Silver, Bronze and Iron award-winning works in other categories will be represented by digital displays.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "SZDIF - Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair", Shenzhen Futian Convention and Exhibition Center, Shenzhen, China. Dates: 17-20 December 2022.
96 m2 Space was provided, this important trade show focuses mainly on product and packaging design but we were able to showcase our works in all categories. We carried mainly small items and posters were prepared. Digital screen was included to exhibit works that we could not fit the walls as well as to feature works that were not packaging or industrial designs.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "FOAID - Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference", India. Dates: 25-27 November 2022 (New Delhi).
96 m2 Space was provided, this was a very special event that focused especially on architecture yet we were able to showcase design work in all categories via digital screens. For this exhibition we did not carry any items, however for next edition we will most likely carry objects as well.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "FOAID - Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference", India. Dates: 07-08 October 2022 (Mumbai).
96 m2 Space was provided, this was a very special event that focused mainly architecture but we were able to showcase design work in all categories. We carried mainly small items and posters were prepared. Digital screen was included to exhibit works that we could not fit the walls.

A' Design Award - Award-Winning Design Exhibition, Sala Bianca del Teatro, Via Bellini 3, Como, Italy.
Dates: 19 - 21 July 2022.
300 m2 Space were provided for A' Design Award winners to exhibit their award-winning works, the good design exhibition focused on newly awarded works for physical exhibition supplemented by 5 × 65" Large OLED Digital Signages for digital exhibition of all award-winning works in all categories. Vernissage was held on July 20.

A' Design Award Jiangxi Design Exhibition., No.76 BeiJingXi Road, XiHu District, Nanchang, China.
Dates: 1 January 2020 - 30 December 2021
100 m2 Space was provided to feature works, the exhibition focused mostly on industrial design and product designs yet also featured designs in all other categories. This design exhibition featured many physical exhibits in addition to digital displays.

The 4th Basteha Packaging Design Biennial Exhibition, Tehran, Iran.
Dates: 17 - 27 February 2022.
750 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works, this exhibition focused on packaging but we also had a digital display; most works were presented as printed posters while we also had an area for prototypes and samples. We also had a digital display to promote works that cannot physically fit the space.

Shenzhen International Industrial Design Week, Shenzhen, China.
Dates: 01 - 03 December 2021.
108 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works, most works were presented as posters while we also had an area for prototypes and samples. We also had a digital display to promote works that cannot physically fit the space.

A' Design Award 40 x 40 Exhibition Istanbul, Turkey.
Dates: 18 October - 01 November 2021.
72 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. We also had a digital display to promote works that cannot physically fit the space. The 40 x 40 Exhibition featured 40 works from 40 designers from 40 countries.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Museo del Design, via Bellinzona 15, 22100, Como / Italy.
Dates: 08 June - 18 June 2021.
950 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. This exhibition was rather special and it was open only to high profile press members, with an aim to create publicity for laurates, attending press members were given one-to-one tour of exhibited works and were provided with exclusive pr kits for laurates, high-resolution images of awarded works and tools for publishing the awarded designs. Winner's works were exhibited in 82" (208 cm) large displays.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Museo del Design, via Bellinzona 15, 22100, Como / Italy.
Dates: 15 October - 15 December 2020.
950 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. This exhibition was rather special and it was open only to high profile press members, with an aim to create publicity for laurates, attending press members were given one-to-one tour of exhibited works and were provided with exclusive pr kits for laurates, high-resolution images of awarded works and tools for publishing the awarded designs. Winner's works were exhibited in 82" (208 cm) large displays.

A' Winners' Exhibition at 2020 Hebei International Industrial Design Week, at Rongcheng Civil Sports Center, Xiongan New Area, China.
Dates: 21 - 27 November 2020.
90 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, we also provided digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. We also had big and small works in this exhibition, prominently displayed. This exhibition put a higher emphasis on industrial design, but also prominently featured interior design, architecture, furniture, fashion, jewelry, graphics design, packaging design and communication design works.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Hebei Design Center Exhibition, Hebei Industrial Design Innovation Center Science and Technology Center, No. 136, Huanghe Road, High-Tech Zone China.
Dates: 01 - 31 October 2020.
80 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. This is indeed a permanent exhibition, but we annually list this as we update the collection with new award-winning work each year. This exhibition focused on industrial design but we also exhibited spatial design and communication design works.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Hebei International Industrial Design Week, Rongcheng Civil Sports Center Xiongan New Area China.
Dates: 03 - 05 November 2019.
160 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, we also provided digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. We also had big and small works in this exhibition and the exhibition included works from the Permanent Collection of Mood - Museum of Outstanding Design. This exhibition focused on industrial design but we also exhibited spatial design and communication design works.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference, New Delhi, India.
Dates: 29 - 30 November 2019.
96 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. The FOIAD New Delhi exhibition was a poster only exhibition, with a focus on architecture, spatial design, interior design and building components. A' Design Award provided free poster service for award-winning designs.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference, Mumbai, India.
Dates: 20 - 21 September 2019.
96 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. This was a poster only exhibition, with a focus on architecture, spatial design, interior design and building components. A' Design Award provided free poster service for laurates.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Hebei International Industrial Design Week, Heibei, China.
Dates: 21 - 27 November 2019.
108 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. This exhibition focused mostly on industrial design. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, we also provided digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. We carried smaller items to the exhibition ourselves and winners shipped larger items themselves.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy.
Dates: 12 June - 31 July 2019.
751 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, we also provided digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. We also had big and small works in this exhibition and the exhibition included works from the Permanent Collection of Mood - Museum of Outstanding Design.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "Heibei Design Center" Heibei, China.
Dates: 16 - 30 April 2018.
89 m2 Space was provided. A' Design Award carried small items and design objects directly to the exhibition while for larger pieces, the participants had an opportunity to ship them directly to the exhibition space.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy.
Dates: 10 June - 07 July 2018.
751 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, we also provided digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. We also had big and small works in this exhibition and the exhibition included works from the Permanent Collection of Mood - Museum of Outstanding Design.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "FOAID - Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference", India.
Dates: 21-22 September 2018 (New Delhi).
96 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. This exhibition focused more on architecture and interior design but we exhibited all works through the digital display. The exhibition was quite successful and also attracted media and television interest.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair" Shenzhen, China.
Dates: 5-7 November 2018.
108 m2 Space was provided. A' Design Award carried small items and design objects directly to the exhibition while for larger pieces, the participants will had an opportunity to ship them directly to the exhibition space.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "FOAID - Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference", India.
Dates: 07-08 December 2018 (Mumbai).
96 m2 Space was provided, this was a very specia; event that focused mainly architecture but we were able to showcase design work also in other design award categories. We carried mainly small items and posters were prepared. Digital screen was included to exhibit works that we could not fit the walls.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "Utopa International Design Exhibition" Zhuzhou, China.
Dates: 26 December 2017 - 20 March 2018.
3500 m2 Space was provided. A' Design Award carried small items and design objects directly to the exhibition while for larger pieces, the participants will had an opportunity to ship them directly to the exhibition space. This was a truly great exhibition, we got all winner works exhibited and winners also had opportunity to sell their works.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair" Shenzhen, China.
Dates: 05 - 07 November 2017.
108 m2 Space was provided. A' Design Award carried small items and design objects directly to the exhibition while for larger pieces, the participants will had an opportunity to ship them directly to the exhibition space.

A' Design Award 40 x 40 Exhibition Budapest, Hungary.
Dates: 08 - 31 October 2017.
72 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. We had to provide a digital display since we were not able to fit all the works. The 40 x 40 Exhibition featured 40 works from 40 designers from 40 countries. We are hoping to organize more 40 x 40 Exhibitions worldwide.
A' Winners' Exhibition at "FOAID - Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference", India.
Dates: 22 - 23 September 2017 (Mumbai).
96 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. This exhibition focused more on architecture and interior design but we exhibited all works through the digital display. The exhibition was quite successful and also attracted media and television interest.
A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy.
Dates: 06 - 26 June 2017.
751 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, we also provided digital displays therefore every designers' works get exhibited. We also had big and small works in this exhibition and the exhibition included works from the Permanent Collection of Mood - Museum of Outstanding Design.
A' Winners' Exhibition at Cube Design Museum, Museumplein, Kerkrade, Netherlands.
Dates: July 2 - August 4 2016.
250 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works get exhibited. For this exhibition, A' Design Award covered the costs of transportation of non-bulky works (as well as some bulky works) directly to the exhibition space; we moved the exhibition items that were already sent to MOOD Italy to Cube Design Museum in Netherlands on behalf of participants.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy.
Dates: 09 - 28 June 2016.
751 m2 Space were provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works get exhibited. We also had big and small works in this exhibition and the exhibition included works from the Permanent Collection of Mood - Museum of Outstanding Design.
A' Winners' Exhibition at Bologna Design Week, Italy.
Dates: September 28 - October 1 2016.
250m2 space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who were not able to join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works get exhibited. For this exhibition, A' Design Award covered the costs of transportation of non-bulky works directly to the exhibition space as well as cost of transportation of heavy items were also covered; we move the items from the Cube Design Museum in Netherlands to Bologna Design Week Directly.
A' Winners' Exhibition at "Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair" Shenzhen, China.
Dates: 06 - 08 November 2016.
108 m2 Space was provided. A' Design Award carried small items and design objects directly to the exhibition while for larger pieces, the participants will had an opportunity to ship them directly to the exhibition space. We provided a digital wall to ensure all entries get exhibited.

A' Winners' Exhibition at "FOAID - Festival of Architecture and Interior Designing Conference", India.
Dates: 23-24 September 2016 (Mumbai) and 2-3 December 2016 (New Delhi).
144 m2 Space was provided, this was a very special event that focused mainly architecture but we were able to showcase design work from all A' Design Award categories. We carried mainly small items and posters were prepared. Digital screen was included to exhibit works that were outside the thematic scope of the exhibition.

A' Winners' Exhibition at Espacio Ricardo Lorenzo, Gallery of the College of Architects of Cantabria, Calle De Aguayos num. 5 of Santander, Spain.
Dates: April 7 - May 12 2016.
300 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who were not able to join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works get exhibited. This exhibition will also include several conferences, by professionals including but not limited to Juan Carlos Baumgartner (Architect/ México), Francisco Vázquez, (Architect/Spain), Marisa Coppiano (Architect/Italy), Manu Fernández (Designer/Spain), Manolo Saenz Messia (Artist/Spain).

A' Winners' Exhibition at "Shenzhen International Industrial Design Fair" Shenzhen, China.
Dates: 06 - 08 November 2015.
144 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who could not join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works get exhibited. A' Design Award also organized a conference and send several team members to present the winners. See photos from the design award exhibition here.

A' Platinum Winners' Exhibition at "Prime Design Hub Exhibition" Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland.
Dates: 01 - 30 October 2015.
Platinum A' Design Award winner works were exhibited at the prestigious Dublin Castle. The exhibition was curated by the Irish Design authority. The exhibition followed a symposium titled Making Design Matter, which was organized one day before on September 30 at Chester Beatty Library 11.30 am to 5 pm. See photos from the design award exhibition here. 
A' Brazilian Winners Exhibition by Coletivo Brasil Design at San Paulo, Brazil.
Dates: 10 - 19 August 2015.
250 m2 Space was provided and award winning works were exhibited together with a welcome cocktail by Coletivo Brasil Design at San Paulo, Brazil. Winners who couldn't send their works were provided free poster printing and preparation service. View photos from this exhibition here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy.
Dates: 18 - 25 April 2015.
751 m2 Space will be provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works get exhibited. During this exhibition, there is EXPO 2015 as well as the Milan Design Week. See the photos of the award exhibition here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD"
was held at Broletto di Como, Como, Italy.
Dates: 04 - 25 August 2014.
400 m2 Space is provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who couldn't join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works got exhibited. View photos from this exhibition here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "Master of Design - Chengdu Design Week"
was held at Chengdu, China.
Dates: 11 - 14 October 2014.
150 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who couldn't join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works got exhibited. View photos from this exhibition here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD" was held at Ex-Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy.
Dates: 15 - 27 Apr 2013.
751 m2 Space is provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who cannot join by physical works will be provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works get exhibited. View photos from this exhibition here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "About Design" was held at Gdansk, Poland.
Dates: 10 - 12 May 2013.
112 m2 Space is provided for winners to exhibit their works. A' Design Award will carry small pieces, and provide poster preparation and printing free of charge to all winners. See this exhibiton at Gdansk here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "Product Design Days", was held at Chennai, India.
Dates: 21 - 22 Nov 2013.
112 m2 Space was provided for winners to exhibit their works. A' Design Award carried small pieces, and provided poster preparation and printing free of charge to all winners. See this exhibiton at Chennai here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD"
was held at Broletto di Como, Como, Italy.
Dates: 17 - 30 June 2012.
400 m2 Space is provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who couldn't join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works got exhibited. View photos from this exhibition here. 
A' Winners' Exhibition at "MOOD"
was held at Spazzio Natta, Como, Italy.
Dates: 02 - 31 June 2011.
100 m2 Space is provided for winners to exhibit their works. Winners who couldn't join by physical works were provided free poster printing and preparation service, therefore every designers' works got exhibited. View photos from this exhibition here. 
For further images from the A' Design Award Exhibitions, please click here to visit our Photo-Gallery. Alternatively visit the Exhibition Gala communications page to see past exhibition posters and invitations.

Be in Mood
As an esteemed A' Design Award laureate, you have the exclusive opportunity to exhibit your award-winning work at A' Design Award Exhibitions in Italy and abroad. These exhibitions provide an excellent platform for exposure, networking, and career advancement. By leveraging A' Design Award Exhibition opportunities strategically, you can propel your brand and career to new heights.
Exhibiting your work at A' Design Award exhibitions offers valuable global exposure. With events held in multiple countries, your designs will reach diverse, design-oriented audiences worldwide. The presence of international media, diplomats, and business leaders at these exhibitions provides excellent opportunities for press coverage, interviews, and collaborations. Leverage your exposure at our exhibitions to gain international recognition, credibility, and expand your brand's reach.
The A' Design Award exhibitions offer the prestigious opportunity to have your work included in the permanent collections of MOOD and Museo del Design. If selected, your designs will receive continuous exposure in Italy and other countries, solidifying your reputation as a leading creative talent. Being part of these esteemed collections enhances your brand's prestige and positions you among the world's most innovative designers.
Participating in A' Design Award exhibitions can significantly boost your academic and professional progression. A' Design Award issues a distinct certificate for each exhibition where your work was physically exhibited. The certificates of participation you receive are highly relevant for academic advancement, PR, and media communication. These accolades enhance your portfolio, increasing your chances of academic promotions, career progression, and even supporting citizenship applications. Leverage these achievements to open new doors and propel your career forward.
A' Design Award exhibitions offer grand networking opportunities. The welcome cocktail events attract high-profile guests and industry leaders, providing a platform to forge valuable connections. Exclusive events like the Ars Futura Cultura meetings offer additional opportunities to network with influential figures. Take advantage of these gatherings to connect with potential clients, partners, and investors, and build relationships with fellow award-winning designers and architects.
Pro-edition winners can exhibit their award-winning works at A' Design Award exhibitions free of charge. A' Design Award provides comprehensive support services, including packaging, installation, and display space, allowing you to showcase your designs without constraints or logistical hassles. When everything is done for you, you can simply focus on presenting your best work and engaging with attendees.
Embrace the opportunities, forge valuable connections, and let your award-winning designs shine on the global stage by taking part in our exhibitions.

A' Design Award and Competition annually organizes a design exhibition at the MOOD - Museum of Outstanding Design. The design exhibition is usually moved to several different countries and cities each year to reach new and further audiences. The purpose of the design exhibition is to create a global appreciation for good design as well as to introduce the award winning designs and designers to design oriented audiences from across the globe. The design exhibition features the very best examples of good design, art and architectural work from all countries and in all disciplines. The inclusive nature of the exhibition makes it highly original among other design exhibitions organized throughout the year as it leads to discovery of good design in all different fields. The service for exhibiting award winning works (and moving them to different countries worldwide) are provided free of charge to the professional laureates of the A’ Design Award. Further information can be obtained at museumofdesign.com

Get in the Mood. Enjoy a cup of Italian espresso and take wonderful photo shots while viewing the A’ Design Award & Competition Exhibition at Mood. Alternatively, see past winners at DesignMag.org showcase.