This page explains the Limited Edition Prints of the A' Design Award - Hardcover Award Winner Designs Book. The A' Design Award Yearbook of Best Designs are provided free of charge to award winner designers who nominate their entries via professional entry method.
Yearbook of Best Designs The Hardcover Yearbook of Best Designs are provided free of charge, as a complimentary gift to the A' Design Award & Competition laureates who join the competition using professional entry method during La Notte Premio A' - the A' Design Award Gala-Night and Award Ceremony. There are no fees for inclusion in the yearbook publication either; the pagination, layout design and management of your pages are done by the A' Design Awards. Each pro-edition laureate is featured in 2 books; physical hardcopy editions as well as the digital edition yearbook which is published with a distinct ISBN number. The Hardcover Best Design Yearbooks are included in the design award winners' kit, together with award trophies, design excellence certificate and other deliverables. Furthermore, the digital version of the yearbook is available for download, free of charge, for all winners.
Winner Designs Book The hardcopy, limited edition of the annual winners' yearbook contains awarded designs of the A' Design Award & Competitions'. Winner Designs of the last competition period together with design descriptions and photos from the A' Design Award Gala Night and Exhibition is included. The book is usually made with hardcover protective cover with oversewn binding printed on acid-free glossy paper. A' Design Award Winner Design Books' are registered publications in Italy (registered to Italian ISBN subset) and printed and published by DesignerPress. Each book is usually a few hundred pages. For a preview of book contents, visit
A Single Yearbook for Each Winner Each A' Design Award professional edition entrant winner receives a single complimentary copy of the hardcopy edition of the book during the Gala-Night free of charge. Furthermore, both professional and digital edition participants are able to download the PDF version of the books. Digital downloads are freely available for the design award winners. Unlike other design awards and competitions, there are no costs for: the hardcover or digital yearbook inclusion, if you win, you get included free of charge, and we do not ask you to contribute to the expenses for creation of the book such as pagination, layouts, graphic design or anything else as a part of our no further fees policy, plus before we publish the yearbook, you will be able to see how your page looks like to fix any issues before its publication.
Additional Yearbooks for Winners Winners who would need further hardcopies of the book could order online before the Gala-Night. It is important to order additional yearbooks before Gala-Night so that additional copies of the book to be included in the winners packages. Each winner is limited to order a maximum of 5 (five) limited edition hardcopy prints only unless otherwise stated (the delivery system could display more options: if the system displays you more options you could purchase more copies, this depends on number of available prints). To buy additional yearbooks, please click on the link below.
**Please note that during the A' Design Awards gala-night, professional edition winners could simply pick their books which are included in the winner kits. Every laureate who joins the gala-night and award ceremony already gets a free yearbook as a part of their A' Design Prize winners' kits.
Designers as Co-Authors Designers who have their works published in the book, are credited as "co-authors" of the yearbook. In some cases and countries, this could provide an additional benefit, as it could be counted towards publication in academic sense as the book is a registered publication in Italy with ISBN. The book also includes list of jury members, and several further information as well as some images from the gala-night of past editions, and descriptions and details about initiatives and programs by A' Design Awards. Co-author credit transforms the relationship from being "featured" to being a "creator," establishing stronger authority and opening up significantly more professional opportunities. It's a higher tier of recognition that carries more weight in academic, professional, and industry contexts.
Gift for Clients and Friends The A' Design Award hardcover yearbook of best designs, which includes the very best designs from all the countries is a great gift for clients and friends alike. If your design is in the book, it is truly a good gift idea for your clients to make them impressed, or proud and happy if their work is a winner since the logo of your clients (or your own logo as the designer if you created the work for your own) will also be published in the yearbook, designers who won the competition can also order additional copies of the yearbook with great discounts, discounted order information is communicated after results announcement. Since we give only one free book with each award winning entry, we suggest to purchase additional discounted copies for your team members or company in advance before gala-night to avoid any shipping costs later. The book has A4+ size, it looks great on all bookshelves as well as coffee tables and corporate desks. The A' Design Award yearbook is a great resource for design inspiration.
Free Hardcover Yearbook of Best Designs The hardcover yearbooks are provided free of charge to Press Members to create incentives and possibility for them to publish the award winners. If you are a press members, get in touch for a physical press kit which includes some other gifts. Furthermore, university and higher-education institutions and libraries could request a free copy, we cover the shipment. Finally, A' Design Award winners will get their yearbooks during the gala-night and award ceremony as a part of their winners' kit.
Bibliography Please refer to the data below if your design is published in any of our books. All winners are considered co-author of the book in which their designs are published, and therefore if you are a winner, you can add the book, for which you will find the publication details, year, isbn and complete name to your own bibliography. These are all registered publications with valid, Italian ISBN numbers. Pro-edition laureates are published in two books each year; first the hardcover print-edition book, and then the digital edition PDF book, both the hardcover and the digital book have their distinct numbers and you can add both of these books to your bibliography.
Digital Yearbooks In addition to hardcover yearbooks reserved for pro-edition laureates, all laureates including pro-edition and digital edition winners gain coverage in digital yearbooks which are published with a distinct ISBN Number. Remember you gain free inclusion and the core value lies in the permanent, third-party documentation of your excellence that can be leveraged for multiple business purposes. Free inclusion typically carries higher prestige value because you can say your work is included not because you paid but due to it is good design.
Layout Design, Pagination and Quality Assurance Your yearbook page is designed for you, with typesetting, kerning, pagination, layout design, ethical screening and quality assurance. This represents a "white glove" publishing service typically reserved for high-value contributors, providing professional-grade results without the usual investment of time, money, or technical expertise.Receiving complete professional publishing services at no cost combines significant financial value with professional-grade results and time savings, while eliminating technical risks and quality concerns.
Physical Copy Yearbook Value The possession of a physical copy significantly amplifies the value of your yearbook inclusion by providing immediate, tangible opportunities for leverage while creating a permanent physical asset. It transforms the design award achievement from something you have to explain into something you can demonstrate instantly, adding substantial practical and psychological value to the overall opportunity. Having a physical copy transforms an intangible achievement into a tangible asset that can be leveraged for immediate, spontaneous, and ongoing professional opportunities while creating a permanent physical record of accomplishment. While digital inclusion provides validation, a physical copy creates an immediate, tactile tool for relationship building and impression management. It's the difference between "I can tell you about it" and "Let me show you right now.
Getting Featured vs Getting a Book Some awards feature you but do not give you a book even if it is digital they make you buy it; however in A' Design Award you get free inclusion in yearbook plus you get your book free of charge during gala and if you are a digital edition laureate you get instant access to yearbook as a downloadable, these are ISBN-registered books. Being given the design award book where your work is featured represents significant added value not just in monetary terms, but in maintaining professional dignity, enabling immediate opportunity leverage, and creating a purely positive achievement experience. It is a crucial difference that affects both the immediate celebration and long-term relationship value of the recognition. It is the difference between feeling fully recognized versus feeling like a customer in your own achievement moment. The gift of the book transforms the experience from a transaction to a true honor.
Getting Free Yearbooks and Obtaining Additional Yearbooks at a Discount A' Design Award laureates are provided free yearbooks (during Gala-Night for pro-edition for hardcover yearbooks and instantly (yet shortly) after awards announcement for digital edition yearbooks). A' Design Award winners are further able to obtain additional yearbooks at a discount. Discounted additional copies transform a single achievement into multiple business development tools, enabling broader distribution strategy while maintaining cost-effectiveness. Unlike most marketing materials that have limited shelf life or impact, each additional book copy serves as a permanent, high-credibility business development tool with multiple strategic uses. Access to discounted additional copies provides significant value by enabling broader distribution strategies and multiple simultaneous exposure points while maintaining cost-effectiveness. It transforms a single achievement into a scalable business development tool, with each copy serving as a high-credibility marketing asset that can be strategically deployed for maximum impact.
Yearbooks as a Marketing Tool A' Design Award Yearbooks are high-quality premium publications, heavy and durable, perfect for marketing and branding. You can maximize your yearbook's marketing potential by strategically placing copies throughout your ecosystem: position them prominently in office reception areas, meeting rooms, and executive spaces where they serve as instant conversation starters and credential proof; use them as sophisticated leave-behinds after high-stakes client pitches or business development meetings where they demonstrate your industry recognition; showcase them in flagship stores, retail locations, or showrooms where consumers can directly associate your brand with excellence; feature them during trade shows, industry conferences, and corporate events as part of your display materials; incorporate them into your media kit for press relations; display them during speaking engagements or workshops to establish authority; use them in employee onboarding to inspire company pride; place them in partner offices to strengthen business relationships; create social media content highlighting your inclusion; add them to your corporate library for team reference; gift them to key clients or stakeholders during significant business milestones or holiday seasons; showcase them during company anniversaries or achievement celebrations; use them during recruitment efforts to attract top talent; display them at university career fairs to engage with emerging professionals; and maintain copies in multiple office locations to ensure consistent brand messaging across your organization - each A' Design Award yearbook becomes a powerful physical testament to your expertise and industry recognition, working continuously to reinforce your professional credibility and brand excellence.
Safe Content and Intellectual Property Licenses A' Design Award laureates are required to provide strict licenses where they provide an affidavit that the content featured in their yearbook pages are legal; i.e. no intellectual property conflicts and no negative content per A' Design Award guidelines. Being featured in a publication that maintains high standards through IP screening and selective inclusion creates significant value through legitimate association with global industry leaders, providing safe and credible marketing opportunities while building long-term professional legacy. Unlike pay-to-win publications, this represents genuine achievement in a verified, premium context that protects and enhances brand value through careful curation and legal compliance. The difference between being featured in a carefully curated, IP-screened publication versus a pay-to-win platform is fundamental to brand value and professional credibility. For advertisers and brands, this difference becomes crucial in maintaining market position and leveraging achievements for business development. Remember The A' Design Award Yearbook offers unique value through carefully curated content and prestigious associations. Being featured alongside verified, legitimate industry leaders creates positive association effects, elevates perceived brand value, builds credibility through proximity, and validates market position - unlike random pay-to-win publications that risk brand damage through questionable associations, you do not risk it here. The yearbook's rigorous IP screening process is designed to ensure legal compliance, protects brand reputation, demonstrates due diligence, and creates a safe environment for innovation sharing, avoiding the risks of IP violations and legal complications common in unscreened publications. This high-quality context, featuring placement among verified global leaders and prestigious brands, creates a powerful marketing narrative that enhances pitch presentations, strengthens market positioning, and builds global credibility. For advertising agencies and brands, the clean, verified environment with premium brand associations and IP-protected content provides safe client presentations, reliable stakeholder communications, trustworthy media relations, and credible market positioning. The yearbook's quality publication standards, including verified content, prestigious associations, professional documentation, and global distribution, create lasting credibility, serving as a permanent professional reference and historical record of excellence that builds a lasting legacy. This comprehensive approach to quality and verification sets the publication apart from typical award books, offering genuine value through legitimate association with global industry leaders while protecting and enhancing brand value through careful curation and legal compliance.
Good to Know:A' Design Award winners can download the digital edition of the yearbooks FREE from their control panel.
Winner Designs 2013-2014, Volumes P, S & C Available
Downloads: Hires: 3176 x 2776 px Medium: 715 x 330 px 72dpi Jpeg
Winner Designs 2013-2014, Volumes P & S Available
Downloads: Hires: 4724 x 4000 px Medium: 715 x 605 px 72dpi Jpeg
Award Winning Product Design 2013-2014 (Volume P) Available
Downloads: Hires: 4000 x 4000 px Medium: 715 x 715 px 72dpi Jpeg
Award Winning Communication Design 2013-2014 (Volume C) Available
Downloads: Hires: 5068 x 3548 px Medium: 715 x 500 px 72dpi Jpeg
The A' Design Award yearbook is a great source for design inspiration where great designs from seven continents are featured. Check out the design award winners to have a glimpse of what is included in the yearbook.
Results will be Announced to Public on April 15, 2025. Visit this page on April 15, 2025 to see the worlds' leading designs, ideas, trends and concepts in 2025.
Registration to A' Design Award & Competition 2024-2025 period is now open. Register and upload your design today to know how good your design is: get a complimentary preliminary score.