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![]() ![]() About Bettina Gomez-Latus : Jewelry is her passion! Bettina Gomez-Latus says, Jewelry must give pleasure and be uncomplicated. It is intended to underline the charisma and thus the personality of the wearer. She designs jewelry which adapts to the wearer and can be worn for every occasion. No matter if you wear jeans or an evening dress. Crafted precision and the highest knowledge of the materials - stones, pearls, precious metals and enamel - are a prerequisite for unique creations.
The most beautiful compliment to the designer are the shining eyes of her customers when they first hold their finished piece of jewelry in their hands. I like the pleasure of touching good design, it must be perfect optically and functionally effective, without being produced at the expense of the environment! Art may grow beyond all borders, it may be disagreeable and challenge the viewer. Sometimes art is just beautiful and touches my heart. Art can be great, but we do not always have to understand it. ORGANIZATION: 1Karat - Atelier für Schmuck & Design - Bettina Gomez-Latus NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: Goldsmith, silversmith Industrial production, manufacture, metal EDUCATION: 1986 - 1987, Figure drawing, Staatlichen Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Städelschule, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1987 - 1991, Goldsmith practical experience (IHK apprenticeship), Berufsbildungszentrum der Handwerkskammer Rhein Main, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1987 - 1991, Goldsmith theory (IHK apprenticeship), Staatliche Zeichenakademie Hanau, HANAU/GERMANY EXPERIENCE: 1991 - 1992, Juwelier Friedrich, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1992 - 1993, Juweliere Hessenberg, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1993 - today, Self-employed PRIVATE EXHIBITIONS: 1993, Ausstellung Unikatschmuck, Atelier Bettina Mantel, KARBEN/GERMANY 1995, Ausstellung Unikatschmuck, Atelier Bettina Mantel, GROß KARBEN/GERMANY 1996, Ausstellung Schmuck, Atelier Bettina Mantel, KARBEN/GERMANY 1996, Ausstellung Schmuck-Kreationen, Calla, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 1997, Ausstellung Schmuck, Atelier Bettina Mantel, KRONBERG IM TAUNUS/GERMANY 1998, Ausstellung Unikatschmuck, Atelier Bettina Mantel, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 1998, 5 Jahre Atelier Bettina Mantel, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 1999, Unikatschmuck, M&W, BAD SODEN AM TAUNUS/GERMANY 2001, Ich stehe auf Schmuck, Laufwerk, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2010, Präsentation meiner neuen Kollektion, Atelier für Schmuck & Design, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2010, Zeit der Sinne/ Zeit der Engel, Atelier für Schmuck und Design, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2010, Weihnachtsausstellung im Atelier, Atelier für Schmuck und Design, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2014, Herbst-Atelier-Tage, Atelier für Schmuck & Design, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2015, Winter-Atelier-Tage., Atelier für Schmuck & Design, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2016, Advent Schmuck-Austellung, Atelier für Schmuck & Design, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2018, Präsentation bei BMW B&K Bad Homburg, BAD HOMBURG V. D. HÖHE/GERMANY MIXED EXHIBITIONS: 1993, Modenschau mit color Schmuck, with Christa Albrecht, BAD CAMBERG/GERMANY 1993, European Artist Forum / European Color Wave, with 35 Goldsmith, 1 Gemstone trader 4 Painters, 3 Sculptures and Engravings, 1 Ceramics, Byzantium Diamonds & Jewelry, AMSTERDAM/NETHERLANDS 1993, internationale Schmuckausstellung European Color Wave, with 35 Goldsmith, Galerie Unikat, HANNOVER/GERMANY 1994, Unikatschmuck und Wandteppiche, with Agnes Mack, Atrium, GROß KARBEN/GERMANY 1994, Unikatschmuck und Gouachen, with Otto Andreas Schreiber, Kapelle im Burghof, GROß KARBEN/GERMANY 1996, B & F Collection, Ambiente 95, with Frank Rehmsmeier, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1996, Mode und Schmuckpräsentation, Atelier Albrecht, with Christa Albrecht, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1997, 5 Jahr Kunst im Rosbacher Kulturbahnhof, with Sandra Sibbe, ROSBACH V. D. HÖHE/GERMANY 1999, Amrum und Flora, Blume & Stil, with Uli Steinbach, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 1999, Arte Mista, Atelier Gunnar Hansen, with Gunnar Hansen, BAD SODEN AM TAUNUS/GERMANY 1999, Inspiration, Perlen und Puder, with Danny Dreyer, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 1999, Designerwerke , with Carmen Siebold, Villa Borgnis, KÖNIGSTEIN IM TAUNUS/GERMANY 2000, Amrum & Flora, Blume & Stil, with Uli Steinbach, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2000, Adventsausstellung, with Ole Bergmann, Andreas Decker, Andrea Friedrich, Ulla und Martin Kaufmann, Sabine Scheuble, Brigitte Seehaus-Böhm, Christine Spanner, Anne von Wächter, Artemisia Galerie für Schmuck & Design GmbH, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2001, Gemeinschafts- Oster- Ausstellung, Ole Bergmann, Andrea Friedrich, Artemisia Galerie für Schmuck & Design GmbH, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2001, Schwerpunkt Brosche, with Miriam Sharlin, Artemisia Galerie für Schmuck & Design GmbH, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2001, Schmuckstücke von 21 Goldschmieden, with 21 Goldsmiths, Artemisia Galerie für Schmuck & Design GmbH, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2002, Dauerausstellung, Atelier für Unikatschmuck, with Helge Berger, BADEN BADEN/GERMANY 2013, INHORGENTA MUNICH 2017, BEGOLA happiness handmade, with Miguel Gomez-Latus, MUNICH/GERMANY 2017, Europäische Tage des Kunsthandwerks 2017, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2018, Europäische Tage des Kunsthandwerks 2018, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2019, TrauDich! 2019 Fair, with Miguel Gomez-Latus, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 2019, Hochzeitsfabrik 2019 Fair, with Miguel Gomez-Latus, Bad Vilbel /GERMANY 2020, TrauDich! 2020 Fair, with Miguel Gomez-Latus, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY EVENTS: 2016, Atelier-Themen-Event „Rund um die Perle" with Schoeffel, Organizer, Atelier für Schmuck & Design, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY AWARDS: 2016, A' Design Award Winner, in the category Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design, with BEGOLA Multifunctional Bracelet, COMO/ITALY 2018, A' Design Award Runner up, in the category Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design, with Ornamental Ceramics Rings COMO/ITALY 2018, Ziwa Award 2018 / Best service provider in the wedding sector, category jewelry, International, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 2018, Runner-Up in the category Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design, with Ornamental Ceramics Rings, COMO/ITALY 2019, Ziwa Award 2019 / Best service provider in the wedding sector, category jewelry, International, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 2019, Silver A' Design Award Winner in the category Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design, Pure Infinity Pendant, COMO/ITALY 2019, Bronze A' Design Award Winner in the category Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design, with Solitaire Twisted Ring, COMO/ITALY 2019, A' Design Award Winner in the category Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design Category, with Marry Baroque Wedding Rings, COMO/ITALY PRESS APPEARANCES: 1993, „Goldschmiedin Bettina Mantel (25) richtet Atelier im Schlosshof ein - Eröffnung am 3. April“, Nord-Presse, page 6, Saturday, 27. März 1993 by (gr), FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1993, „Mantels Edelsteine und Sturms Aquarelle“, Frankfurter Rundschau, Saturday, 3. April 1993, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1993, „Schönheit ist der Glanz des Wahren“, Bad Vilbeler Nachrichten, April 1993 by (sr), BAD VILBEL/GERMANY 1993, „Kraftvoll, schnörkellos und klar“, Frankfurter Rundschau, Nr. 81 / page 3, Tuesday, 6. April 1993 by Jörg Muthorst, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1993, „Gold, Silber, Palladium und Edelsteine“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 92 / page 47, Wednesday, 21. April 1993 by (kcd), FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1994, „Goldschmiedereien von Bettina Mantel in Groß-Karben“, Frankfurter Neue Presse, page 11, Tuesday, 14. June 1994 by (IvT), FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1997, „Fünf Jahre Künstlerisches im Roßbacher Kulturbahnhof“, Frankfurter Neue Presse, page 19, Friday 21. November 1997 by Joachim Grau, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1997, „Schönheit edler Steine“, Frankfurter Rundschau, Saturday, 22. November 1997 by Marco Seng, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1999, „Schmuckstück aus einem Schmuckstück, immer mit Geschichte“, Frankfurter Rundschau, Nr. 47 / page 2, Thursday, 25. February 1999 by Thomas Stillbauer, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 1999, „Zarter Blumenschick für den Hals“, Taunus Zeitung, page 19, Saturday, 27. March 1999 by Sabine Börchers, BAD HOMBURG V. D. HÖHE/GERMANY 1999, „Designerwerke in der Villa Borgnis“, Königsteiner Woche, Nr. 46 / page 16, Friday, 19. November 1999 by (rd), KÖNIGSTEIN IM TAUNUS/GERMANY 2011, „Schutzengel oder wie man Freude in bester handwerklicher Tradition verbreitet“, Living Oberursel, page 23, December 2011 by Christoph Kappus, OBERURSEL (TAUNUS)/GERMANY 2011, „Eine Leidenschaft zu Kleinoden“, Taunusbote, page 20, Winter 2011/2012, KRONBERG IM TAUNUS/GERMANY 2014, „Mit Präzision und Achtsamkeit“, Frankfurter Neue Presse, page 14, Thursday, 23. Oktober 2014 by Christine Sarac, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 2015, „BEGOLA Happiness handmade“, Styles and Orchids Blog, 11. September 2014 by Swetlana, STUTTGART/GERMANY 2014, „Mit Gold, Silber und Feueremaille aus dem Brennofen“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, page 33, Wednesday, 6. August 2014 by Franz Josef Görtz (Artikel) und Wolfgang Eilmes (Foto), FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 2014, „Was für ein Schmucker Hals“, FAZ MAGAZIN, Design Special, page 26. May 2014 by (fig), FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 2014, „Bunt am Band“, GZ, Goldschmiede Zeitung, Das Magazin für Uhren und Schmuck, page 26, May 2014, HAMBURG/GERMANY 2014, „Bunter Bandsalat“, GZ, Goldschmiede Zeitung, Das Magazin für Uhren und Schmuck, page 28, June 2014, HAMBURG/GERMANY 2015, „Bürgermeister zu Gast im Atelier für Schmuck und Design“, Steinbacher Informationen, Jahrgang 44, Nummer 5, page 6, May 2015, STEINBACH (TAUNUS)/GERMANY LANGUAGE SKILLS: Advanced english and pre-intermediate french COMPUTER LITERACY: 3Design CAD, Advanced COURSES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS:: 1988, Internship with Anna Heindl, VIENNA/AUSTRIA 1988, Internship with Bernhard Kiefer, MUNICH/GERMANY 1988, Training course in forging and hardening, Fachverband Metall Hessen, BAD HOMBURG V. D. HÖHE/GERMANY 1990, Training course in gas welding 1. Training level DVS -G 1 Gas welding.BBZ, FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY 2018, Training course in 3Design CAD, PFORZHEIM/GERMANY 2019, Training course in 3Design CAD, PFORZHEIM/GERMANY MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: 2016, BK, Bundesverband Kunsthandwerk, Berufsverband Handwerk Kunst und Design e.V., FRANKFURT AM MAIN/GERMANY JURY MEMBERSHIPS: 2018, A' Design Award & Competition, COMO/ITALY 2019, A' Design Award & Competition, COMO/ITALY 2020, A' Design Award & Competition, COMO/ITALY 2021, A' Design Award & Competition, COMO/ITALY 2022, A' Design Award & Competition, COMO/ITALY 2023, A' Design Award & Competition, COMO/ITALY HOBBIES: Horse-riding, walking my dog, gardening, skiing WEB SITE: http://www.1karat.de PORTFOLIO URL: http://www.1karat.de/bettina-gomez-latus REGISTRATION DATE: 2016-10-30 14:26:40 COUNTRY/REGION: Germany ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
Awards received by Bettina Gomez-Latus
Runner-Up status designs by Bettina Gomez-Latus
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Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |