Fine Art Design Award 2024
Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award is open to entries of products and projects including but not limited to fine arts and art installation design, sculpture, painting, photography, mixed media art, ceramics, textile art, glass art, installation art, mosaic art, metal art, wood art, paper art, environmental art, kinetic art, kinetic sculptures, light art, interactive art, conceptual art, public art, land art, graffiti art, art intervention, site-specific art, monumental art, mural art, calligraphy, printmaking art, abstract art, contemporary art, pop art, immersive art installations, body art, ephemeral art Nominate your Fine Art Design now.
Fine Art Design Award 2024

A' Design Awards is pleased to announce that the A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award is open for nomination of fine art designs right now for the 2024 design award and competition. Submit your fine art design now for a preliminary score.

Pop Star View Platform
Featured Work : Pop Star View Platform
Robot Artwork
Featured Work : Robot Artwork
Infinite Bloom Public Art
Featured Work : Infinite Bloom Public Art
Competition Artwork
Featured Work : Competition Artwork
Award for Fine Arts and Art Installation Design

The A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award is open to entries by Artists, Painters, Sculptors, Ceramicists, Installation Artists, Mixed Media Artists, Printmakers, Textile Artists, Glass Artists, Metalworkers, Public Art Creators, Art Collectives, Art Curators, Contemporary Art Galleries, Cultural Institutions, Art Fabricators, Readymade Artists, Calligraphers, Paper Artists, Industrial Designers, Architects, Interior Designers, Craftspeople worldwide. Enter your work today to highlight Creative Value.