QiRui Ma The Lighthouse of Wishes Art Installation
The Lighthouse of Wishes Art Installation is Golden Design Award winner in 2023 - 2024 Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award Category.
The Lighthouse of Wishes Art Installation

This is a special project made possible after its selection as the "best new years eve architectural proposal" by the community's residents in an open poll. This is not only an installation art, but also a community participation activity. Both locals and visitors can draw their vision for the New Year on building facade materials. In addition, an activity was promoted and launched through social media which received a large number of submissions. Each person who submitted a design became an architect of the art installation.

The Lighthouse of Wishes Art Installation
QiRui Ma The Lighthouse of Wishes
QiRui Ma Art Installation
QiRui Ma design
QiRui Ma design
QiRui Ma

He is a young design student from China. He is a we-media blogger with a total of 200,000 followers. In addition to documenting his volunteer teaching experience in rural China, he also documented his campus life and architectural practice. He cares about the connections between people in modern communities and wants to use the power of design to reshape neighborhood relationships. They also emphasize the use of recyclable, environmentally friendly materials. And try to achieve low carbon environmental protection design means in the process of construction, recycling and so on.

Aranya International Cultural development Co.,Ltd.

Aranya is located in Beidaihe District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, China. It is a lifestyle brand that has launched a series of community practices related to "good life". By creating a pioneering community facing the future, they comprehensively care for the residents' clothing, food, housing, transportation, emotional relationships, and spiritual world, and then explore the possibility of a better life for people.