Marianela Salinas Jaimes Muse Decorative plate
Muse Decorative plate is Iron Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Muse Decorative plate

Muse is a ceramic plate with an illustration stamped by a serigraphic process cured at high temperatures for a better fixation of the stamping. This design reflects three important concepts: delicacy, nature and bifunctional. Delicacy is represented in the feminine form of the illustration and the ceramic material used. Nature is represented in organic and natural elements that have the character of the illustration on her head. Finally, the bifunctional concept is shown in the use of the dish, allowing it to be used as a decorative object at home or to serve food with it.

Muse Decorative plate
Marianela Salinas Jaimes Muse
Marianela Salinas Jaimes Decorative plate
Marianela Salinas Jaimes design
Marianela Salinas Jaimes design
Marianela Salinas Jaimes

Marianela Salinas Jaimes is an entrepreneurial designer from the city of BOGOTÁ / COLOMBIA, who has created ANELLA DESIGN. ANELLA DESIGN is a brand of textile design and surfaces, born of satisfying the desire to obtain unique design pieces used in everyday life, with a high esthetic component given by exclusive illustrations and all made with love. ANELLA DESIGN wants with its creativity, quality and exclusivity to captivate people who like to share with family or friends the sensitivity they have for art and design, with this they bet on a young and innovative company with different design criteria. Beside, the purpose of the Brand is to impact the creative minds of childhood, encouraging practices of illustration and creative exploration in their daily lives. however, this could be reached thanks to alliances with foundations that allow creative practice within their facilities. Currently, Marianela Salinas Jaimes is still looking for new ways to create different products to take to each of her followers.

Anella Design

Anella design is a Colombian brand of surface design, where the illustration is placed on decorative pieces and is useful for people's daily lives. Initially the brand arose from the taste for illustration and the diversity of applications that it can have in several objects.