Koikreative Galeries Lafayette Digital Lookbook Mobile Website
Galeries Lafayette Digital Lookbook Mobile Website is Iron Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Website and Web Design Award Category.
Galeries Lafayette Digital Lookbook Mobile Website

As a trend leader, Galeries Lafayette creates their remarkable digital look-book with the most recognizable fashion sense every year. The project theme of the new arrival look-book is: “Nouvelle Collection.” We design five lookbook of major popular trends—“Eye-catching stripe”, “Urban languid style”, “New romanticism”, “City adventure”, and “Dynamic sports” constituted the creative source. The entire project integrates various digital interactive experience in one mobile site, including acquiring Galeries Lafayette's store coupon by playing a real model game and share it to the social network.

Galeries Lafayette Digital Lookbook Mobile Website
Koikreative Galeries Lafayette Digital Lookbook
Koikreative Mobile Website
Koikreative design
Koikreative design

As everyone knows Koi is a kind of beautiful fish, which can bring lucky and fortune to people. As a creative agency, Koikreative founded in 2014 in Beijing. The clients includes: Cartier, Mercedes-Benz, Vogue, Galeries Lafayette, Apple, The Color Run, Beijing SKP, China World Mall, I.T Group, China Mobile, National Museum of China, etc. Koikreative also provides 360 degree visual services, such as branding identity design, website design, app design, print, packaging, exhibition, video, photography, etc. Fang Liu, founder of Koikreative, BA from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, and MA from London College of Fashion. He worked for Vivienne Westwood and Karl Lagerfeld digital marketing department. He established Koireative in 2014, a creative agency specialized in digital and interaction design, and he has implemented ‘Fashion Gamification’ concept into the fashion industry.

Galeries Lafayette

The Galeries Lafayette is an upmarket French department store chain. Its flagship store is on Boulevard Haussmann in the 9th arrondissement of Paris but it now operates in a number of other locations in France and other countries. In 2009, Galeries Lafayette recorded earnings of over one billion euro.