P+ONE Exhibition Hall takes inspiration from a good moment of blossom and the 5.5 meters high facade of this space likes a flower. The wall of space is made of 2000 reclaimed wood hollow rectangle boxes combining traditional architecture craft techniques and parameterization variation calculations. An amazing space is not only shows itself, but also shoulders a responsibility to interact with visitors.
PONE ARCHITECTURE is a plurality of inspiration combined platform, which covers planning, designing fabrication and implementation. There will be emerge everfount creations here in their company. They are taking carefully control in every aspect. It’s of strict with implementation of persistent throughout witness, extremely the process of mplementation. P+ONE DESIGN CENTER is trying hard to explore the potential core values, to provide a scientific strict perfect solution. P+ONE DESIGN CENTER is looking forward to the excellent projects and enjoy to face challenges. The designers and customers are fully respected and communication deeply to create a common bright future. So, they exist in a stronghold way. P+ONE DESIGN CENTER is an eternal progress, keep on cohere the creation desire talent, to make our creativity never ended.
P+ONE Design Center is a plurality of inspiration combined platform ,which covers planning、designing fabrication and implementation. There will be emerge everfount creations here in our company. P+ONE Design Center taking carefully control in every aspect. It’s of strict with implementation of persistent throughout witness, extremely the process of implementation. P+ONE Design Center trying hard to explore the potential core values, to provide a scientific strict perfect solution. They are looking forward to the excellent projects and enjoy facing challenges. The designers and customers are fully respected and communication deeply to create a common bright future. So, they exist in a stronghold way. They are an eternal progress, keep on cohere the creation desire talent, to make our creativity never ended.