Yuk Pui Cheung Moi Nivak Brand Identity
Moi Nivak Brand Identity is Iron Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Moi Nivak Brand Identity

Moi Nivak is an select and design store for curation of contemporary collectibles, carefully select daily collectibles and design items from around the world. The store opens its door to welcome arts and cultural collectible lovers from around the world. It is developed the brand identity framework to introduce Moi Nivak as a new competitor in the field. The brand system comprehends brand strategy, name, stationery and website. The intention was to design simple and direct communications for the brand, yet to remain Moi Nivak's neutral business module.

Moi Nivak Brand Identity
Yuk Pui Cheung Moi Nivak
Yuk Pui Cheung Brand Identity
Yuk Pui Cheung design
Yuk Pui Cheung design
Yuk Pui Cheung

Billy Cheung (b. 1992), originally from Hong Kong, has gained experience working in both Montreal and Hong Kong before settling in Taipei. Prior to setting up Graphic Dpt in Taipei, Billy was the Design Director at Daedalustudio in Hong Kong. Since 2011, he has dedicated himself to exploring the fundamental nature of problem-solving design experiences. Billy's primary focus is on creating valuable design essentials, firmly believing that design should provide end-users with solutions that have a profound emotional impact. Throughout his career, he has worked with a diverse range of clients, earning numerous accolades in major global design awards, including theMUSE Design Awards, MUSE Creative Awards,German Design Award, A' Design Award, Indigo Design Award, IDA Design Awards, etc.

Moi Nivak

Moi Nivak is dedicated to curation of contemporary collectibles, carefully select daily collectibles and design items from around the world. Combining a select store and design shop, the select store opens its door to welcome arts and cultural collectible lovers.