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![]() ![]() About Ascanio Zocchi : Design can certainly contribute to society by creating useful objects that are beautiful and easy to use.
In the design of objects or interior spaces Ascanio tries to use natural products, respectful of the environment, in the designed spaces you can breathe this harmony between colors and materials.
There is continuous research on materials, finding in wood a design partner, not just a material to be used, to produce objects or environments.
According to him, wood is the sensory material par excellence, color, shape and perfume. Each of us who loves nature tries to bring a piece of wood into the house, perhaps because with this act we bring nature, life into the house.
Every space and every object is conceived and designed for a specific function, beauty must first of all be functional, harmonious. The designer has the task of designing beautiful, useful and functional objects, suitable for making everyday acts simpler and happier. Design is a very important discipline for the well-being of the person, it must be applied in all contexts to help carry out the daily activities of living and help to live better, create objects not only for apparent beauty but for a specific required function to the object, the functional beauty. The great Italian designer Bruno Munari has taught a lot about this knowing how to design. ORGANIZATION: Ascanio Zocchi Design NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: Artistic and cultural associate professionals, all other Hospitality, tourism, leisure, sports EDUCATION: Artistic diploma / academy, state art school Verona, Italy Polydesign Polytechnic Consortium of Milan Degree in architecture, fashion and industrial design UniSR Rome Mastercl in History of Design Abadir EXPERIENCE: Ascanio Zocchi was born in Riva del Garda in 1971. He graduated in Architecture with a focus on fashion and industrial design. He began his professional career as a designer and draftsman in large furniture companies in Trentino Alto Adige and Lombardy, designing and creating interiors for bars, hotels, restaurants and public businesses in general, without neglecting private housing solutions. In 2000 he began his activity as a freelancer in the field of design and construction of indoor and outdoor environments, furnishings in domestic spaces such as homes, apartments and public spaces such as shops, offices, hotels, restaurants, wellness centers and entertainment venues. The services and consultancy offered start from Interior Design to on-site assistance, from the design of the systems to the Study of Colors and Lighting. Particular attention is paid to the Eco-Sustainability of the Materials used in order to create harmonious settings by combining functionality, trends and well-being and studying the Concept of Design objects and accessories. He works by offering consultancy and collaborating with other Professional Technical Studies and makes use of the support of the best suppliers and artisan companies in the sector. For some years he has been designing and realizing interior restyling works for Union Hotels in Canazei, a large Trentino tourist company that has 8 hotels and numerous other catering and entertainment facilities. He is also involved in product design, collaborating with important Made in Italy design companies including RIVA 1920. He holds the following institutional duties in the field of design • member of the Single Graduate Commission in Interior Design at the Milan Polytechnic School of Design and at the Verona Academy of Design as a representative of AIPI, the Italian association of interior designers. • Member of the distribution and services department of ADI, the Italian association for industrial design, • Chief Executive Officer of the AIPI Italian Association of Interior Designers and responsible for activities for Northern Italy. • Member of the FOODdesign commission of ADI, the Italian association for industrial design • Member of the ADI Design Guarantee Committee on 2 June 2018 the President of the Italian Republic awarded him the honor of Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic PRIVATE EXHIBITIONS: 2016 TRI Marmomacc, aipi Verona / Italy space 2018 Salone del Mobile, Milan Riva 1920 space Milan /Italy 2019 Marmomac, the signature restaurant, SCONCENTRICO Verona /Italy 2021 Marmomac the stone designer tables, TRILL Verona/Italy 2022 Marmomac the stone designer tables ETIKO, Verona/Italy 2023 Marmomac the stone designer installation TOKI, Verona/Italy MIXED EXHIBITIONS: 2014 abitare il tempo and Marmomacc. Beyond decoration Venice creative laboratory title of the palette "Transformation in the Venetian arts" the colors of the painting by G. De Chirico and the fusion with design and food design Verona Italy EVENTS: 2014 triennale del legno, speaker, conference on the use of wood in design, province of Trento artigiani Trento, Italy 2014 Mani project, ecodesign and sustainable development, webinar speaker confartigianato and Provincia Udine e 2015 home wellness eco-sustainable materials, speaker, Abitare il tempo and Marmomacc, Verona 2015 wood passion and design conference, Muse, uni TN, Trento, Italy 2016 conference abitare la casa, speaker, Homi Milano, Fiera Milano Rho, Italy 2021 The Glass WeeK Conference invisible but tangible glass AWARDS: ADI Design Index 2023 table Kotiso nomination of the Compasso d'Oro Prize Silver A'design Award 2020 Bronze A'design Award 2020 Silver A'design Award 2016 PRESS APPEARANCES: 2014 International Triennial of Wood Trento exhibition catalog 2016 IL LEGNO magazine 2021 The Glass WeeK Conference invisible but tangible glass 2022 PLATFORM Architecture and Design ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS: Bauhaus the language between useful and beautiful 2017 wood passion and design 2015 Gio Ponti and Italian design 2016 the interior designer and his social responsibility 2017 BOOKS: the Cathedral of Trento altars and sacred furnishings ACCOLADES: 2016 A'Design Award Silver, Como, Italy 2020 A'Design Award Silver, Como, Italy 2020 A'Design Award Bronze, Como, Italy 2018 "Knight of Merit of the Italian Republic", President of the Italian Republic, Rome, Italy 2022 Glass Ambassador GG, Milan Italy ADI Design Index 2023 table Kotiso nomination of the Compasso d'Oro Prize LANGUAGE SKILLS: inglese B1 COMPUTER LITERACY: advanced autocad COURSES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS:: 2013, horeca design polidesign politecnico di Milano SYMPOSIUMS AND ACADEMIC CONFERENCES:: ecodesign and sustainable development create safeguarding the planet udine 2014 wood and design trento 2015 well-being at home living time marmomacc verona 2016 relaxation and wellness homi fieramilano 2017 the colors and natural materials in the interior accademia fine arts Bologna bdw 2016 The multimaterial Design BIESSE ADI Museum Milan 2024 The Glass and Architecture BIESSE IUAV Venice 2024 The Marble Natural Stone BIESSE Carrara 2024 MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: aipi associazione italiana progettisti d'interni adi associazione per il disegno industriale COLLECTIONS: Museo del Legno Riva 1920 Cantù Como Italia JURY MEMBERSHIPS: 2021, ADI Design Index, Design for living, Milano/Italy 2022, ADI Design Index, Design for living, Milano/Italy 2023, ADI Design Index, Design for living, Milano/Italy 2024, ADI Design Index, Design for living, Milano/Italy HOBBIES: hiking in the mountains, photography, art and culture CLIENTELE: BAR E PASTICCERIE Pub “TAVERNA AL GATO BORACIO” Wine bar & food Limone sul Garda (BS) Bar “QUESTURA” Brescia Bar “S’CAFE” Bar & Wine Bressanone (BZ) Bar “ALBERGO CONDINO” Condino (TN) Bar Gelateria “AL LAGO” Pieve di Ledro (TN) Pub “DYLAN’S” Wine bar & food,live music Darzo (TN) Bar “VEGA” Wine bar Vandoies (BZ) Bar “DUE PONTI” Vobarno (BS) Bar Gelateria “BOCCE” Crone di Idro (BS) Pasticceria Gelateria “MIRALAGO” Baitoni (TN) Bar ”CAMPIELLO” Novaledo (TN) Bar “CASAVECCHIA” Tiarno di Sopra (TN) Bar Pub “COLUNA CAFE” San Zeno (TN) Bar Pub “EXCELSIOR RESIDENCE” Riva del Garda (TN) Bar Pub “AMICI” Bagolino (BS) Bar “ALLA VECCHIA POSTA” Darzo (TN) Pasticceria Caffetteria ” ELISA” Mestre (VE) Wine bar” DOLCENERO” Trento Pasticceria gelateria “VISINTIN” Ora (BZ) Lounge “CHIC&CHIC” Rovereto (TN) Pasticceria gelateria “G&G” Coredo (TN) PIZZERIE E RISTORANTI Ristorante Pizzeria “MIRALAGO” Lido di Baitoni Bondone (TN). Ristorante Pizzeria “SAN SEBASTIAN” Bersone (TN). Ristorante “DA EMILIO” Bondo (TN) Pizzeria “BRICIOLA” Ponte di Legno (BS) Pizzeria “SGEVA” Folgaria (TN) Pizzeria Ristorante “AGOSTINI“ Fai della Paganella (TN) Pizzeria Ristorante “CAPRICCIO “ San Michele all’Adige (TN) ALBERGHI Hotel “DA BIANCA” *** Valle di Daone (TN) Hotel “DA RITA” *** Condino (TN) Hotel & Club “IL CAMINETTO Fassa Palace” **** Canazei (TN) Schloss hotel “ DOLOMITI Union hotels” ****s Canazei (TN) Suite hotel & Wellness” PICCOLO PRINCIPE” **** Lagolo (TN) Hotel “PARK HOTEL ALLE ROSE” **** Comano Terme (TN) Eco Design Hotel “VIRIDIS” ***s Cagnò (TN) Climahotel Natur casaclima A+ Room & suite Hotel Eccher *** Mezzana (TN) NEGOZI E UFFICI Alimentari “POLI LUCIA & MEZZI” Storo (TN). Panificio “NONSOLOPANE” TREVISO Uffici Direzionali “A.C.S.” Tione (TN) Ufficio” LORAN SALOTTI” Vigo Rendena (TN) Hairstylist “ART HAIR” Mestre (VE) Scuola italiana sci “DOLOMITI DI BRENTA” Andalo (TN). Centro estetica “SARA” Pieve di Bono (TN) AGRITURISMO, GARNI’ E RESIDENCE Garnì” RAGGIO DI LUCE” Temù (BS) Ecolabel Residence “CARANO” Carano (TN) Garnì “CAMEADINA” Bezzecca (TN) Garnì “ARNICA” Molveno (TN) Garnì “BELLARIVA” Molveno (TN) B&B” VILLA CA’PRAJA” Daone (TN) BIOarchitettura PUBBLICHE AMMINISTRAZIONI Albergo Ristorante “VECCHIA SEGHERIA” *** loc.Pracul per il Comune di Daone (TN) Supermarket “BRENTA” Madonna di Campiglio (TN)- Comunità delle Regole di Spinale e Manez Sala da pranzo” ROSA DEI VENTI “RSA Condino (TN) Ufficio di rappresentanza “COMUNITÀ DELLE REGOLE DI SPINALE E MANEZ” Madonna di Campiglio (TN) Rifugio “BOCH” Madonna di Campiglio (TN) -Comunità delle Regole di Spinale e Manez Gelateria “Miralago” Comune di Roncone (TN) Ristorante Rifugio “ Malga Montagnoli” Madonna di Campiglio (TN) -Comunità delle Regole di Spinale e Manez TEATRI E DISCOTECHE Teatro ”GRAN TOBIA THEATER “ Campitello di Fassa (TN) Lounge dinner show disco “HEXEN KLUB” Canazei Val di Fassa (TN) WELLNESS CENTRE E SPA Centro salute “SISSI” hotel Dolomiti **** Canazei (TN) Wellness “GIULIETTA&ROMEO” hotel Rubino ****s Campitello (TN) Wellness & SPA “PRINCIPE” hotel Piccolo Principe ****s Lagolo (TN) Wellness “CAMINETTO” hotel Caminetto ****s Campitello (TN) Wellness & SPA “HARMONY” hotel Du Lac ***s Limone sul Garda (BS) PARCHI E GIARDINI STAND E INSTALLAZIONI Giardino sede “CEDIS” Storo (TN) Centrale idroelettrica “Cedis Palvico’71” restyling facciata Storo (TN) Parco polifunzionale “FASSA PARK” Campitello di Fassa (TN) Installazione per APT “VALLE DEL CHIESE” ( Location nelle piazze di Brescia, Bergamo e Milano) Giardino e ingresso” PARK HOTEL ALLE ROSE” Comano Terme (TN) Spazio AIPi “IL TAVOLO DELLE IDEE” presso abitare il tempo e Marmomac Verona WEB SITE: https://www.ascaniodesign.it PORTFOLIO URL: https://www.ascaniodesign.it/progetti RSS URL: https://www.ascaniodesign.it REGISTRATION DATE: 2016-01-13 10:57:36 COUNTRY/REGION: Italy ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
Awards received by Ascanio Zocchi
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Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |