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![]() ![]() About Juan Carlos Baumgartner : For Baumgartner it is important to create spaces with sustainable technology that improve the environment, according to the essence, values, characteristics and needs of the project. Baumgartner reflects, “Architecture can be a tool to improve society”. That is why, in order to fully understand the organization he has developed with his own methodologies that empathically help understand the entrails of the company, helping to align strategies, providing architecture solutions that enhance organizational productivity and efficiency, inspiration and happiness of the individual. “Design is a magic crystal with which you can see the world as it could be, not as it is... that is where transformation begins and the future is shaped.” Juan Carlos Baumgartner ORGANIZATION: Space NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: Industrial products designer Media, graphic, printing, culture, design EDUCATION: Architecture, National Autonomous University of Mexico] Faculty of Architecture MEXICO CITY Interior Design, National Autonomous University of Mexico] Faculty of Architecture MEXICO CITY History of Art at the University of Berkeley, California Interior Design at the Domus Academy, Milan Accorded LEED accreditation by the U.S. Green Building Council. Director of Design for Space México, based in Chicago. Master degree in Neuroscience applied to design at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Venice in Italy EXPERIENCE: Architect Baumgartner is managing partner of the international architectural firm SPACE, which he founded in the city of Chicago in 1999. From its creation to date, he has acted as Director of Design for Space México, based in Chicago. Space has, from commencement, been a company committed to the environment, which provides all its projects with a sustainable approach. MIXED EXHIBITIONS: Temporary Museum for New Design Tortona Design Week - Milan Italy Design Week - Mexico Diseño Contenido EVENTS: Architect Baumgartner takes part each year in the “Live Architecture” congress in Germany, an event focusing on the discussion of sustainable design theory and practice. In conjunction with SPACE he gives the workshop “The office of the future” at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Architect Baumgartner has been a Professor at the TEC de Monterrey, of the Universidad Iberoamericana for the diploma course on Interior Architecture and guest professor at Virginia Tech. University. He has also been guest speaker at the Universidad Anahuac. He has held a magisterial chair for three consecutive years at the UNAM for the diploma course on Interior Architecture. In recent years Juan Carlos has taken charge of heading the largest team of professionals accredited by LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) in the country, and has focused on promoting sustainable design and the importance of environmental responsibility and its relationship to design and architecture by means of articles, lectures and courses, outstanding among which is the 4th International Congress on Architecture with High Boclimatic Technology and Sustainable Design, organized by the UNAM in Mexico City. In 2010 Juan Carlos Baumgartner took part in the Infrastructure & Property Development MEA congress in Dubai, with a lecture on design and sustainable architecture, and in 2011 gave the lecture Mental Migrations & Design at the international congress of the International Design Alliance in Taipei Taiwan. AWARDS: 2022 – 2023 Future House Awards 2023 Vacation Homes Winner Andivi SBID International Design Awards 2023 Office Design under 2,000 sqm Shortlisted Finalist Winners Naos MUSE Design Awards 2023 Gold Winner in Office Interior Category Travelport Gold Winner in Office Interior Category Volvo Mexican Association of Interior Designers A. C. 12th Interior Design International Award 2023 Winner 1st Place Corporate Category Naos International Property Awards 2022-2023 Americas Property Awards Winner in Office Interior Category Naos Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards Winner Interproteccion Rethinking the Future Awards 2022 Workplace Third Award in Office Interior Category Interproteccion MUSE Design Awards 2022 Gold Winner in Office Interior Category Interproteccion Gold Winner in Office Interior Category Skandia Gold Winner in Office Architecture Category Faurecia International Property Awards 2021 – 2022 Americas Property Awards Winner in Office Interior Category Interproteccion Global Future Design Awards 2023 Architecture Press Release (APR) Gold Award Winner Andivi 2020 – 2021 III World Wide Biennial of Interior Design & Landscape 2020 Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Golden Medal Category: Corporate Offices FINK Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Golden Medal Category: Corporate Offices REDUS Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Double Honorable Mention Category: Corporate Offices MONEX - Dining Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Double Honorable Mention Category: Corporate Offices PABELLON M Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Double Honorable Mention Category: Corporate Offices DUPONT Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Double Honorable Mention Category: Corporate Offices BANCO BASE Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Congratulations from the Jury Category: Corporate Offices EY - Queretaro Novum Design Award 2020 Winner - Silver in Interior Design Category Alvaco-Mafemasa Winner - Silver in Interior Design Category REDUS Winner - Bronze in Interior Design Category Monex-Dining International Property Awards 2020 – 2021 Americas Property Awards Winner in Office Interior Category Alvaco-Mafemasa Americas Property Awards Winner in Office Interior Category Dupont APR Awards – Global Future Design Awards 2020 Urban Design and Architecture Design Awards Winner Office Building Concept Category Parks Santander Urban Design and Architecture Design Awards 2nd Award Office Building Concept Category Faurecia Corporate Architecture MasterPrize Interior Design Category: Workplaces Honorable Mention Gentera Innovation Lab Interior Design Category: Workplaces Honorable Mention Dupont VI Biennial Regional 2020 – LUMARI College of Architects of Sonora State Federation of Colleges Of Architects of Mexico College of Architects of Hermosillo City Honorific Mention Category Education Kinder San Jose Honorific Mention Category Interior Design and Plastic Art Integration Kinder San Jose MUSE Creative Awards 2021 Interior Design of the Year Platinum Winner Sekura Interior Design of the Year Platinum Winner C3ntro Telecom Interior Design of the Year Gold Winner Sanofi OBRAS – Expansion Group – 10 + INNOVATIVE FIRMS 2021 Award to the Most Innovative Firm The New Architecture spAce. Future Design Juan Carlos Baumgartner a! Design Award Interior Corporative Design 2020 Winner DHL+NIKE Interior Corporative Design 2020 Silver Mention Upfield Firenze Award – Entre Muros Interior Corporative Design Finalist INTERPROTECCION 10th National Architecture and Interior Design Award Interior Corporative Design 2021 3rd Place High Tech Company XI Iberoamerican Biennial of Interior Design & Landscape 2021 Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Golden Medal Category: Corporate Offices C3NTRO TELECOM Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Golden Medal Category: Corporate Offices SANOFI Ibero-American Council of Interior Designers Double Honorable Mention Category: Corporate Offices SEKURA PRISMA – Mexican Interior Design Award Category: Offices greater than 300 sqm Winner ATXK - MTY 2018 – 2019 Global Future Design Awards 2019 Architecture Press Release (APR) ALD2 House by spAce Winner - Certificate of First Award Category: Restoration Renovation Architecture Press Release (APR) Gentera Innovation Lab by spAce Winner - Certificate of First Award Category: Corporate Interior Architecture Press Release (APR) Urban Jewelry by spAce Winner - Certificate of First Award Category: Lifestyle & Accesories SBID International Design Awards 2019 Best Corporate Office Design Shortlisted Finalist Winners Smurfit Kappa Business WorldWide: spAce has been Shortlisted for The 20 Most Innovative Companies to Watch 2019 X CIDI Biennial Ibero-American CIDI Interior Design & Landscaping 2019-2020 "Gold Medal". Best Category / Corporate Interior. Sigma Alimentos Corporate Offices. "Gold Medal". Best Category / Corporate Interior. Alsea Corporate Offices. "Honourable Double Mention". Corporate Interior Category. KIO Networks Corporate Offices. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A. C. 8th Interior Design International Award 2019 Winner - Corporate Category FINK - Monterrey Corporate Iconic Awards 2019 Red Bull in the category INTERIOR has been awarded the prize »ICONIC AWARDS 2019: Innovative Architecture - Winner« Gentera Innovation Lab in the category INTERIOR has been awarded the prize »ICONIC AWARDS 2019: Innovative Architecture - Winner« ALD2 House in the category INTERIOR has been awarded the prize »ICONIC AWARDS 2019: Innovative Architecture -Selection« Super Work Spaces 2019 Ranking Winner We Work / Grupo Expansion / Top Companies DOW Mexico Companies change the way of working A’ Design Award Competition. Certificate of Excellence 2018 A' Design Award in Architecture Interior Space and Exhibition Design. Winner Iron A' Design Award Astra Zeneca Global Technology Center A' Design Award in Architecture Interior Space and Exhibition Design. Winner Silver A' Design Award AXA Office A' Design Award in Architecture Interior Space and Exhibition Design. Winner Silver A' Design Award Gentera Inn Lab Workspace A' Design Award in Architecture Interior Space and Exhibition Design. Winner Silver A' Design Award Red Bull Workspace Lux Life – Leading Designers Awards 2019 spAce, Leaders in Sustainable Architecture Mexico World Wide Alliance of Interior Designers World Wide Biennial of Interior Design & Landscape 2018-2019 Gold Metal Corporate Offices Walmart Mexico City World Wide Biennial of Interior Design & Landscape 2018 - 2019 Honorific Mention Corporate Offices Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Monterrey, Mexico SBID International Design Awards 2018 Best Corporate Office Design of the Year Shortlisted Finalist Winners Walmart European CEO Awards 2018 BEST CEO Sustainable Architecture Juan Carlos Baumgartner Expansion Group. OBRAS – 10 FIRMS + SMARTS CITIES 2018 Award to the Country’s Firm for the Most Creative Intelligent Projects. spAce Corporate Offices. Concours Mondial Bruxelles The United Nations of Fine Wines. Medalla de Oro. L by Baumgartner 2015. RED DOT Award 2019 10 Interioristas Mexicanos Imparables. Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Novum Design Award 2019 Winner - Golden in Interior Design Category Dupont Winner - Golden in Architectural Design Category ALD House Winner - Silver in Interior Design Category Gentera Innovation Lab a! Design Award Interior Corporative Design 2019 Winner FINK Interior Corporative Design 2019 Silver Mention Dupont 2016 – 2017 VIII CIDI Biennial Interior Design & Landscaping "Gold Medal". Best Category / Corporate Interior. Gentera Corporate Offices. "Gold Medal". Best Category / Retail. Showroom Calvin Klein. Robb Report 2017 Consider one of the three Best Wine in High Range of Valle de Guadalupe "A" Wine A’ Design Award Competition. Certificate of Excellence 2016 "Silver A' Design Award in Architecture". Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category. ALD House. "Bronze A' Design Award in Architecture". Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category. Firmenich. IX CIDI Biennial Interior Design & Landscaping "Gold Medal". Best Category / Corporate Interior. Baxalta Corporate Offices. "Honourable Mention". Corporate Interior Category. AXA. International Property Awards 2017-2018 Corporate Interior. Winner - Office Architecture, OSRAM Mexico. Corporate Interior. Winner - Office Architecture, Gentera Innovation Lab. IDA Design Awards 2016 Interior Design Office Medalla de Oro Red Bull Interior Design Office Medalla de Plata AXA Interior Design Office Mención Honorífica Osram Interior Design Office Mención Honorífica AON Glocal – Noldi Schreck Awards 2017 Finalist Great - Touring Hotel Category City Express 2nd Place Great - Touring Hotel Category City Express 2nd Place Commercial Interior Design Category Calvin Klein FORBES – Most Creative Mexicans in the World 2016-2017 Forbes magazine named him as one of the most creative Mexicans in the World Juan Carlos Baumgartner Shaw Contract Design Is Award 2016 In The Category of Best Large Office. Winner. Publicis Corporate Offices. A’ Design Award Competition. Certificate of Excellence 2016 – 2017 A' Design Award in Architecture "Silver A' Design Award in Architecture". Building and Structure Design Category. OSRAM. A' Design Award in Architecture "Bronze A' Design Award in Architecture". Building and Structure Design Category. AON. A' Design Award in Architecture Bronze A’ Design Award in Architecture. Interior Space and Exhibition Design Category. Maguen David Hebrew College Mexican Association of Interior Designers A. C. Interior Design International Award 2016 Winner - Corporate Interior Category PVH Corporate 2014 – 2015 Great Place to Work Institute 2014 Workplace Culture Consultancy Worldwide grants Certification as a Great Place to Work to IOS Offices design by spAce Grants Hermes & Iris Prize for Leadership and Communication in the Interior Design CIDI Iberoamerican Council of Interior Designers. Juan Carlos Baumgartner. The International Design & Architecture Awards 2014 In Association with Design Et Al. Shortlisting Luxury Categories: Space Internacional. Glasshouse over £50,000 Award. ALD House. In Association with Design Et Al Shortlisted Space International in the Office Category Google Corporate Offices. WIN Awards 2014 – Workspace Interiors Category. Nominate. Google Corporate Offices. IIDA Best Interiors of Latin America "Best interiors in Latin America". Corporate Offices Extension / Category Best. Bridgestone Corporate Offices. Expansion Group. OBRAS – 10 + VISIONARY FIRMS 2015 Award to the Country’s Most Visionary Firm. Best Firm. spAce Corporate Offices. A’ Design Award Competition. Certificate of Excellence 2015 A' Design Award in Architecture "Bronze A' Design Award in Architecture". Building and Structure Design Category. CP Group. SBID International Design Awards 2015 "Best Corporate Interior". 1st Place in Corporate Interior Design Category. Red Bull Corporate Offices. Expansion Group. OBRAS – Prize to the Work of the Year 2015 Finalist - Work of the Year. CP Group Corporate Offices. Architectural Digest; Iconos del Diseño Awards 2014 Prized in Corporate Interior Design Category. Architect: Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Prized in Corporate Interior Design Category. Best Corporate Interior Design Winner. Corporate offices CP Group. Glocal – Noldi Schreck Awards 2014 Corporate Interior Recognition Offices for Smart Users "El espacio hace la diferencia" Publicis Group A’ Design Award Competition. Certificate of Excellence. 2014 Silver A' Design Award in Architecture. Building and Structure Design Category. Google Corporate Offices. Bronze A' Design Award in Architecture. Building and Structure Design Category. Bridgestone Corporate Offices. IDA Design Awards 2015 Interior Design Commercial Silver Winner 2015 Calvin Klein Interior Design Office Honorable Mention Red Bull Interior Design Commercial Honorable Mention 2015 Ypasa Finishes Market Glocal – Noldi Schreck Awards 2014 Honorific Mention Corporate Interior Design Category CP Group SBID Design for Business 2014 Fully accredited Membership Design Professional Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Expansion Group. OBRAS – 10 + INNOVATIVE FIRMS 2014 Award to the Country’s Most Innovative Firm. 1st place Best Firm. spAce Corporate Offices. 2012 – 2013 IIDA Best Interiors of Latin America Honorific Mention, Best Interiors in Latin America. Santillana Corporate Offices. Estado de Mexico Government; Jose Antonio Alzate Elementary School School Library project acknowledgement. to spAce / Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Expansion Group. OBRAS – 10 + SUSTAINABLE FIRMS 2013 Most-Sustainable Firm Award. 1st place Best Firm. spAce Corporate Offices. A’ Design Award Competition. Certificate of Excellence 2013 A’ Design Prize Winning category: Interior Design and Exhibit Design. Volaris Corporate Offices. A’ Design Award International Juried Competition Arts, Architecture & Design Design Award Winner. Architect: Juan Carlos Baumgartner. World’s Best 2012-2013 International Property Awards Americas Highly Commended Office Architecture Mexico. BASF Mexico by spAce. Expansion Group. OBRAS – AMONG THE TOP-TEN FIRMS 2012 Prize to the Best Firm. 1st place Best Firm. SpAce Corporate Offices. A’ Design Award Competition. Certificate of Excellence 2012 Golden A' Design Award in Architecture. Building and Structure Design Category. with Design # 27490 BASF. Expansion Group. OBRAS – Prize to the Work of the Year 2012 1st place by Audience Awarded. BASF Corporate Offices. VI Iberoamerican Interior Design Biennial. "Gold Medal" Office Category. Santillana Group. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A.C. Interior Design International Award Winner - Corporate Interior Category spAce Corporate Offices Iberoamerican Council of Interior Designers A.C. Prize to Professional Trajectory. Juan Carlos Baumgartner. 2010 – 2011 IV International Architecture and Design Forum 2010. "Golden Medal" Panamerican University. Mexican Biennial of Interior Architecture Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Designate "Honorary Fellow" of Iberoamerican Council of Tnterior Designers SMI Mexican Society of Interior Designers A.C. Excellence Award, Interior Design Trajectory. Architect: Juan Carlos Baumgartner / SpAce. Architectural Digest Magazine “Iconos del Diseño” Acknowledgment in the Interior Design category. Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A.C. International Interior Design Corporate Category 1st Place. Daemon Quest Corporate Offices. International Interior Design Corporate Category 3rd Place. Danhos Corporate Offices. International Interior Design Corporate Category 2nd Place. Kantar World Panel Corporate offices. International Interior Design 3rd Place, Category: Institutional. Departure Lounge, Number 2 Terminal, Mexico City’s Airport. International Interior Design Third Place, Category: Bathrooms. K+JC House. International Interior Design Institutional Category Prizewinning. Universidad Panamericana. International Interior Design Corporate Category, Prized 3rd Place. High-Technology Company. Architectural Digest, “Iconos del Diseño” Recognize to Juan Carlos Baumgartner. as one of 40 important personalities that have left their mark on Architecture, Design and Art in Mexico. Expansion Group. OBRAS – 10 FIRMS + TALENT BUILDERS Award to the Country’s Most Avant-garde in Human Capital Firm. 1st place Best Firm. spAce Corporate Offices. 2008 – 2009 MIPIM Architectural Review Award- Cannes, France Gold Label LEED Pre-Certification Project. 3rd Place, Future Projects Award’09. Best "Tall Building del Año". Efizia - Corporate Building. Project with Energy Recovery Systems. Nominated, Future Projects Award’09. Puerto Interior - Corporate Building, Guanajuato. Mexico Architectural Digest. Iconos del Diseño Award Best Corporate Interior Corporate Interior Design Category. Daemon Quest Corporate Offices. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A.C. Interior Design International Award KOHLER Special Prize to the Best-Sustainable Project. Corporate Offices SpAce. Interior Design International Award 2nd Place, Corporate Category. Corporate Offices SpAce. Interior Design International Award Docavi Doors Award. 1st Place, Corporate Category. Daemon Quest Corporate Offices. SMI Mexican Society of Interior Designers A.C. IV International Interior & Design Biennial. Silver Medal. SpAce Corporate Offices. IV International Interior & Design Biennial. Silver Medal. Showroom and Corporate Offices Allsteel. V International Interior & Design Biennial. Honorific Mention. Alsea Corporate Offices. International Architecture Bienniale Gold Medal - Award of Merit. Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A.C. Best Sustainable Project. spAce Corporate Offices. 2006 – 2007 SMI Habitat Expo Professional Design Mexico’s Green Design Forerunner. Architect: Juan Carlos Baumgartner. SMI Mexican Society of Interior Designers – Professional Award Habitat Expo’07. Mexico’s Green Design Forerunner. Architect: Juan Carlos Baumgartner. SMI Mexican Society of Interior Designers A.C. Excellence in Design Award for Ten-Year Professional Trajectory in Interior Design. Architect: Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Architectural Digest. Iconos del Diseño Award Best Corporate Interior Corporate Interior Design Category. Mancera Ernst & Young Corporate Offices. Corporate Interior Finalist Corporate Interior Design Category. Mabe Corporate Offices. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A. C. International Interior Design Award 3RD Finalist Corporate Category Nokia Corporate Offices. International Interior Design Award 2ND place in the Category Corporate Papsa Corporate Offices. International Interior Design Award 3RD place in the Category Corporate Lenovo Corporate Offices. 2004 – 2005 Expansion Group. OBRAS 2004 Architecture Mexican Talents - Top Ten Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A.C. International Interior Design Award 5th Edition Finalist Corporate Category Arquimart Corporate Offices. III International Interior Architecture & Design Biennial Excellence in Design Professional Trajectory Award Architect: Juan Carlos Baumgartner. Mexican Association of Interior Designers A.C. 6th Edition Interior Design International Award Semi-finalist, Corporate Category Wartsila Corporate Offices 6th Edition Interior Design International Award Year’s Best Corporate Wartsila Corporate Offices. PRESS APPEARANCES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEPXTjmuXiY http://www.milenio.com/tendencias/arquitecto_juan_ carlos_baumgartner-ciudades_no_son_ideales-milenio _dominical_0_698930411.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWom6S8gQUY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Kk_fz75UE&t= 14s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_w2aPlbTgs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwJ1lwYouK8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QBWxEHsj14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAIrC4_Q-Fs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05prlen5Nfc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QBWxEHsj14&t= 4s ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS: september 2022, Office as a tribe, Arkhé Ediciones, Mexico City, Mexico, ISBN: 978-607-8619-67-2 BOOKS: Espacios en Arquitectura Arquitectos Editores Mexicanos Oficinas / Restaurantes / Espacios Comerciales ACCOLADES: European CEO Awards 2018 Juan Carlos Baumgartner BEST CEO Sustainable Architecture Expansion Group. WORKS - TOP TEN INTELLIGENT FIRM Architecture + Cities / 2nd Place Best Firm SpAce Corporate Offices 2018. Member of the US. Green Building Council SPACE 2007 In 2007, he obtained the award “Promotor del Green Design” [Green Design Promotor] also granted by the Mexican Society Interior Designers and the International Federation of Interior Architects. In April 2014, Mr. Juan Carlos Baumgartner obtained the Grants Hermes & Iris Prize for Leadership and Communication in Interior Design from the CIDI Iberoamerican Council of Interior Designers. Expansion Group. WORKS - TOP TEN FIRM Prize to the Best Firm 1st Place Best Firm/ SpAce Corporate Offices 2012. Expansion Group. WORKS - TOP TEN SUSTAINABLE FIRM Most- Sustainable Firm Award / 1st Place Best Firm SpAce Corporate Offices 2013. Expansion Group. WORKS TOP TEN + INNOVATIVE FIRMS Award to Country’s Most Innovative Firm 1st Place Best Firm / SpAce Corporate Offices 2014 LANGUAGE SKILLS: Spanish English German COMPUTER LITERACY: Autocad Advanced COURSES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS:: With an interest in the future of work and organizational areas, in 2015, in collaboration with his partners in Spain (3G Office), Baumgartner organized the first WorkPlace Conference in Mexico City, which was held in several cities across the world, where the purpose was to present world trends in corporate design. In the same year he was chosen by Hugo Boss to represent the brand in Latin America for its campaign “Man of Today”. Initially invited to chat about his vanguard and innovative vision, always pinpointing a different angle and interested in sharing and debating ideas, he wowed with his ideas that have taken his concepts and conferences to places such as Spain, Portugal, England, the Netherlands, Taipei, Hong Kong, China, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, participating with topics as diverse as “Architecture and Sustainable Development”, “The Revolution of Design” and “Design for Happiness”. Twice invited to participate in the Climate Change Summit (COP19 and COP 21/Sustainable Innovation Forum/COP19 and COP21) in Warsaw (2014) and Paris (2016), he is now not only considered an emblematic architect and pioneer of Corporate Design in Mexico, but also a passionate visionary of design and one of Mexico’s main futurists. SYMPOSIUMS AND ACADEMIC CONFERENCES:: A promoter and avid innovator, designing areas suitable for education, in 2016 he decided to join the Centro University to organize the Espacios Symposium for Learning, a forum to debate new trends in education. In the same year he decided to design jewelry, inspired to offer his daughters a part of his origins, and launched Joyería Urbana by Baumgartner, which is currently in one of the most important museums in Mexico (Contemporary Art Museum; MUAC). MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: Space has grown in several ways, including a division focused on research and whose alliances with Harvard (Science of Happiness), MIT (the future of education) and Bartenbach Lichtlabor in Austria (impact of lighting on people) help inform the design of its divisions: Corporate, Business, Education and Architecture. In partnership with LUA, it has developed a lighting laboratory to better understand the impact of lighting in Mexico. Recently, in addition to design solutions, Space offers consulting to improve the experience of changing offices, known as Change Management, offering a tool that helps with resistance to change in organizations. In his most recent initiative, Baumgartner has extended the consulting areas through an innovation laboratory, focused on detecting business opportunities and offering disruptive solutions, including the design of unique experiences to help strengthen organizations (Space Innovation Lab). HOBBIES: Baumgartner confesses, “I am driven by a passion for design – my objective is to create a positive impact based upon my social surroundings and through design”. Baumgartner also finds time to feed his obsession for reading, enjoy his sports cars, travelling and experiencing new things, but above all, sharing with his three children, who are his drive to design the context to promote the happiness of individuals in the near future, a future his children can enjoy. WEB SITE: spacemex.com PORTFOLIO URL: spacemex.com RSS URL: spacemex.com REGISTRATION DATE: 2013-02-01 09:45:57 COUNTRY/REGION: Mexico ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
Awards received by Juan Carlos Baumgartner
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A' Design Award & Competition. |