Shih-Yuan Wang and Yu-Ting Sheng Designer Profile
Shih-Yuan Wang and Yu-Ting Sheng is the award-winning designer of the Coralarc Installation Art.
Shih-Yuan Wang and Yu-Ting Sheng

Yu-ting Sheng and Shih-Yuan Wang are full-time assistant professors at the School of Architecture at FCU and the Institute of Architecture at NYCU, respectively. They are focused on exploring the new possibilities of design that arise from the interaction of "computational design" and "robotic technology". In 2019, they co-founded ROSO, a multi-disciplinary research and design team with a goal of providing diverse design and intelligent fabrication through the collision of innovative robotics, computational thinking, and various emerging technologies. ROSO not only focuses on technology development but also cultivates multi-disciplinary talents through research, teaching, and practical project collaboration. This approach helps to foster more connections and discussions on "architectural imaginations" in this era.

Coralarc Installation Art