Mitra Mohebbi Designer Profile
Mitra Mohebbi is the award-winning designer of the Relstation Privacy Chair.
Mitra Mohebbi

Mitra Mohebbi interested in innovative and creative design; it is eye-catching and sustainable. She loves nature and that is why most of her ideas are inspired by the signs of God in nature. Mitra seeks to solve people's problems with her designs.Mitra believesThe world is full of pure ideas; it is enough to pay good attention to the signs; they themselves tell you that they can Become a sofa, house, lighting, speaker .... She is Winner of the international competitions from Switzerland and Italy; nominated for best design from Germany and Canada,Finalist of ARCHI_NoW International Architecture competition,green design nominated from Berlin Germany. Mitra Mohebbi is Bionic designer and ideator in the field of industrial design and architecture and interested doing group projects. Mitra holder of a level one lecturer certificate from technical and professional organization in field drawing and painting with ten years of teaching experience.

Relstation Privacy Chair