Emi Kawasaki Designer Profile
Emi Kawasaki is the award-winning designer of the Dimension in the Shadows Calendar.
Emi Kawasaki

She has been active as an art director for more than 10years in graphic design field. Package design and branding for food, confectionary and cosmetics, sales catalogue of housing for leading company in japan, poster for movie and exhibition, VI and CI, she has been producing remarkable achievement in her graphic design and art direction work. Taking closely care and aiming about pursuing of bring out the best as it is from a matter of projects she face. It makes the visual communication resonant with our society, it is the essence and main purpose of graphic designing she believes. Her approach is deep observing logically and various aspects in an issue, bring out purified best in it. When the works cause comfortable resonance between clients and receivers, that is the moment of excitement and encourage her. Visual communications bear the role of making comfortable human society, she is always challenging mutual transmission of one's warm identity to the other. Through her private life and creative work, she is often inspired by nature, such as natural phenomena, nature's blessing, beautifulness of natural vitality. Extraordinary natural cycles give us a life with joy and many lessons. Interested in human evolution is also her source of creative imaginations.

Dimension in the Shadows Calendar