Rossetti Brand Design Designer Profile
Rossetti Brand Design is the award-winning designer of the Fallo protetto! Condom.
Rossetti Brand Design

We are an italian company dedicated to brand design. We make projects to help brands to become objects of desire. We like what we do, it enthuses us and we are endlessly curious, because passion in life makes a big difference. So we are close to, open and friendly with the clients that choose us. We take as much care of their brands as we do of our own. An ability to transform thought into something materially useful. This is intelligence. It costs about the same to do something superficially or with intelligence. We prefer the latter. Each brand can be the bearer of at least a fragment of such precious material, and we are proud to be supporters. Our aesthetic canons are inspired by a sense of beauty. What works is intrinsically beautiful, but beauty must also flourish externally and constitute part of our horizons. We want the brands we work on to be beautiful, in every sense.

Fallo protetto! Condom