Jinde Design Zhengyuanpu Pu'er Tea Packaging
Zhengyuanpu Pu'er Tea Packaging is Bronze Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Packaging Design Award Category.
Zhengyuanpu Pu'er Tea Packaging

This is a design of portable Pu'er tea packaging for travelers. Pu'er tea is one of the most traditional drinks in China and is currently the most popular among the business elite. Designers are aware of the needs of the target consumers for portability, aesthetics and safer materials. The project adopts small size packaging, choose more secure materials and simpler manufacturing process, which is more in line with the aesthetic design of the target consumer.

Zhengyuanpu Pu'er Tea Packaging
Jinde Design Zhengyuanpu
Jinde Design Pu'er Tea Packaging
Jinde Design design
Jinde Design design
Jinde Design

This is a design company, serving large-scale manufacturing enterprises such as tobacco, insight into needs, and providing customers with systematic solutions. They are adept in understanding consumer demand and focusing on the basic market of China's consumer market.Use big data, AI algorithm and other technologies to deeply mine and process, insight into the internal relationship between data and data, and reverse research and development.