How to introduce customers to this hidden,narrow lane underworld was a big challenge facing the designer.the inspiration comes from the hidden forestry underworld,the fresh gourmet that gathers in the yi market,While having a nice meal and taking a rest at yi market,they will drop into a moment of solitary satisfaction.the whole space symbolizes the original status of life,encouraging people to discover the beauty and charm embedded in the poetry tranquil face of life.
Since 2001,I had worked in the designing for department stores, shopping center for 15 years,during the period of the development of chinese department stores, malls in Shanghai, I had got the opportunity to participate in multiple large commercial projects as a designer, such as JIUGUANG shopping mall in Shanghai and Suzhou,Shanghai JOY City, Shandong INZONE etc, from which I accumulated rich experience. In 2008,I built up my own company ARIZON(SH) ARCHITECTURE & INTERIOR DESIGN CO.,LTD,with the mission "Design drives the future of your business " ,and insist on the international vision to develop design.I firmly believe that only a combination of advanced business thinking and professional interior design experience can create the perfect business project. Therefore, each time I contact a new business project,I stick with my business planning team in cooperation, create new shopping experience space, optimize design and improve service quality, and try to realize the business operation stylized space design, I insist on full participation in the design process, pay attention to every detail. In order to design a moving commercial project,I often carry out in-depth field research,tend to dig out every place different story and history culture,and then with its unique design language,combining with each business company’s unique brand temperament, In order to let consumers experience the unique temperament and amorous feelings of every space,I try to make the perfect combination of design form and shopping experience,consequently bring its commercial success, and the greater business value to the customer.
Arizon design was founded in shanghai by shen junwei.arizon design focuses mainly on the design field of department stores and shopping centers.focusing on the relationship among individual person,the relationship between people and society,and embedding the concept of harmonious mutual existence between human species and nature in commercial design.let our eco fashion design philosophy be integrated into every project.i’m shen junwei,coming from shanghai,china.i am the general design director,as well as the founder of arizon design.i have 18 years of working experience in the field of commercial retailing space design.i believe that every project should develop the architecture aesthetic and commercial potential to the most extent. through the perfectly balanced mergence of art and technology,we can create an experience that inspires imagination out of daily routine. influenced by the culture of chinese confucius philosophy,i think profoundly about how to make the human species and nature correspond harmoniously under the theory of the unity of universe and human.i wish that the space we construct is a status of common existence.the conversation emerges between people and this environment can speak to the subconscious need of all participants.the environment invites all human to be part of it,upon which a universal pattern of relationship can be built.