A synthesis exercise for this design inspired by classic syrup jars. The name is the insignia of the product that justifies the green color of the oil inside. On the front, the logo is constructed from the pharmaceutical cross forming a pixelated heart. The sober and artless design that uses a message associated with health and its content.
Antonio Cuenca is a spanish graphic designer, who is specialized in branding and packaging design. He is founder and creative chief at Superfluido design studio. His own identity is to make evident what is simple, to make order between ideas to reduce them at simple expressions. He helps companies to draw new patterns for their brands, finding effective and objetive solutions. Between observation and silence he founds inspiration for his designs. He thinks every project is different, and that is why he values a closer relation with customers, giving honest advice through the whole design process.
“Yo, verde” es un aceite de oliva virgen extra gourmet de la variedad picual recolectado en cosecha temprana en el mes de octubre cuando el fruto presenta un estado de madurez inicial que incrementa la intensidad y frescura en el zumo, así como un elevado contenido en antioxidantes naturales, provitaminas, polifenoles y con aportes nutritivos acentuados. El perfil sensorial de este aceite temprano viene marcado por el verde brillante de su color y un frutado intenso, perfecto para cautivar a los amantes de la calidad y la excelencia.