Heng Hsin Huang Leaves Shadow Residence
Leaves Shadow Residence is Bronze Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Leaves Shadow Residence

As this project was conceived with consideration for its site condition, as well as the expectation of the client in creating new usage experiences and perceptual aesthetics, the design team adopted light beige color scheme and warm timber materials to complement the greenery so as to celebrate a natural and serene ambiance. All functional elements were utilized as space making pieces in the lighting design scheme of the interior, charging every corner with lovely sceneries.

Leaves Shadow Residence
Heng Hsin Huang Leaves Shadow
Heng Hsin Huang Residence
Heng Hsin Huang design
Heng Hsin Huang design

Different designs impact people’s lives and their personal experiences differently. In a certain degree, it can also contribute to the evolution of culture and history. The special thing about interior design is that it can make interdependency between the client and the designer. Every designed space will be used for decades or even for a lifetime which makes the designer feel the importance of his design. Eos-adesign team hopes that their design can help the client meet their expectation and win their trust. This is one of the original intentions in creating meaningful space.