Mohamad ali Vadood One Thousand and One Nights Vessel
One Thousand and One Nights Vessel is Bronze Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award Category.
One Thousand and One Nights Vessel

One Thousand and One Nights is the idea of making wooden utensils and structures by using scraps of small to large from various trees which have beautiful natural colors and eye-catching patterns. Warm colors of woods and thousands of pieces with different shapes remind its viewer the atmosphere of Orientalist paintings and the stories of the One Thousand and One Nights. In this design, pieces of wood from hundreds of different trees that once together formed a living plant are reunited to build up a symbolic body, bearing the diversity of tree species in a forest.

One Thousand and One Nights Vessel
Mohamad ali Vadood One Thousand and One Nights
Mohamad ali Vadood Vessel
Mohamad ali Vadood design
Mohamad ali Vadood design
Mohamad ali Vadood

Mohamadali Vadood, a life-long artist and also a designer who works in the field of wooden arts and his works include wooden sculpting, carving and marquatry. As an art instructor, he has always done his best to help his students think creatively. As an artist, reviving old forms of art from ancient Persia has been something that he highly regards with respect and enthusiasm, especially when it goes to old Iranian wood carving and its design.

Vadood Wood Arts Institute

Vadood Wood Arts Institute, run by Mohamad-ali Vadood, aims to do research, produce content, design and offer educational courses and also teaching kits like online courses, tools and books in various fields of wood arts. Producing creative wood art works is the main goal and objective of this institute, along with holding workshops and festivals in wood arts of any type. As for the educational theme, according to world-accepted standards of this field, this institute offers ranks of different levels and skills based on settled schedules to not only fulfill their purposes, but also to respectfully build up both assurance and confidence in their artisan clients.