Paul Justin Makedo Cardboard Construction System
Makedo Cardboard Construction System is Golden Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Toys, Games and Hobby Products Design Award Category.
Makedo Cardboard Construction System

Makedo is a simple to use, open-ended system of tools for creative cardboard construction. The Makedo system comprises seven purpose-designed elements to enable children as young as four to safely cut, fold and connect cardboard with ease and independence. Makedo parts are sold in varying quantities from individual tools through to classroom kits. Creations made with Makedo can be any size depending on the cardboard supply and capability of the maker/s. From one person holding a small creation in their hand up to hundreds of people collaborating to build a football field sized maze.

Makedo Cardboard Construction System
Paul Justin Makedo
Paul Justin Cardboard Construction System
Paul Justin design
Paul Justin design

Inspired by children at play, Makedo was established in 2009 as a means of using design to inspire social change through playful creativity. With roots firmly in maker movement culture, Makedo encourages children (and adults) to see creative possibilities in everyday cardboard and empowers them with purpose-designed tools to imagine and build a better future. Makedo comes to life in collaborative creative environments such as classrooms, maker-spaces, museums and homes. It is the quintessential system of tools for every learning space by being accessible to all skill levels from beginner to expert, all age levels from early learning through to secondary students, both girls and boys and all group sizes from individual through to large group learning. Find. Make. Play. Learn. Inspire.