Ying-Hsin Chen Green Life Residential House
Green Life Residential House is Silver Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Green Life Residential House

In this project, PJ design introduce the green wall and vertical farm to the single-floor residence space in the urban building to achieve the effect of conditioning the indoor air and thermal insulation. To completely integrate the green view to life, for the public space, the partition wall between the living room and the study room is removed and replaced by the design of the glass partition to extend the space view. Even after coming home, people can embrace the vitality of the great nature, and at the same time the exquisite and comfortable urban life style and attitude is combined.

Green Life Residential House
Ying-Hsin Chen Green Life
Ying-Hsin Chen Residential House
Ying-Hsin Chen design
Ying-Hsin Chen design
Ying-Hsin Chen

2005成立工作室,2006初春正式成立品楨 空間設計, 安靜低調地棲身在大安區的小小巷弄 ,樸實的外表後面, 舒暢無壓力的帶領客戶激盪出對生活 間的夢想與情境。 在室內設計領域耕耘十多年,組織品 空間設計團隊, 對業主秉持好的居住環境與人文美學 尊重與堅持, 探討及創造出比預期還要更豐富的生 模式, 實踐『 因地制宜 因人而化 』的設計理念。 除了擅長設計的專業領域外, 組織成員更須具備”解決問題的能力 謙虛態度”, 嚴謹執行每個案件的過程,達到與業 的「互動與信任」。

PJ Design

By sticking to the design concept of making changes according to different places and people, PJ Design combines the viewpoints of humanistic aesthetics and environmental balance and integrates light, wood, stone, and water in nature and the extension, reinforcement, and conversation of colors in the space to bring more abundant varieties and possibilities to life and exhibit the rational and functional design level.