The Seaport City Restaurant is currently the largest multi-purpose restaurant in Guangdong Province. Concepts of “prestige", "exclusiveness", "quality", and "authenticity”are at the heart of this modern, luxurious and elegant design. The design blends local elements, cultural traditions of the city with its history, creating an East-meets-West ambiance thrived with a free, inclusive, innovative food culture. The use of lighting not only elevates the overall dinning atmosphere, but also the lifestyle of locals.
Mr. Davis Chow, design strategy consultant, interior decoration design professor, founder of “Details Design”, and president of Davis Chow & Associate. Mr. Davis Chow has devoted himself to interior design study for many years, including working for Hong Kong Morford & Company between 1986 and 1989, mainly engaged in five-star hotel design, a long term strategic partner of Hyatt Hotels, and working in Hong Kong John Chan Design Ltd. from 1990 to 1991, principally on design of hotels and boutiques. Mr. Davis Chow set up Details Design Ltd., HK in Hong Kong 1991, and opened an office in the Mainland 2001. Through those more than 30 years, he has accumulated extensive design and service experience, and also acquired theoretical achievements and practical experience in interior decoration and design.
The DavisChow & Associate believes that a successful design work, which shall stand the test of the market, is not just a collision between idea and beauty, but also adequate consideration and mastery on details. “DavisChow & Associate” represents this group who emphasizes details, has efficient and professional business attitude, and keeps exploring and pursuing culture and art.The range of our services includes Shopping mall,hotels, restaurants, entertainment centers, sample houses of sales center and other indoor environmental design.