Josh Renouf The Barisieur Tea & Coffee Brewing Alarm Clock
The Barisieur Tea & Coffee Brewing Alarm Clock is Golden Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Home Appliances Design Award Category.
The Barisieur Tea & Coffee Brewing Alarm Clock

The Barisieur is a premium alarm clock that eases you into your morning with the soothing sounds of bubbling water along with the smell of the freshly brewed coffee or loose leaf tea. The design is inspired by a combination of the modern ritual of filter coffee with the iconic vinyl record player, encouraging a nostalgic experience with the user. The design was born with a digital detox in mind, where the design language balances between simplicity and mystified alchemy; watch how the water magically transports from one vessel to other due to steam pressure.

The Barisieur Tea & Coffee Brewing Alarm Clock
Josh Renouf The Barisieur
Josh Renouf Tea & Coffee Brewing Alarm Clock
Josh Renouf design
Josh Renouf design
Josh Renouf

My name is Joshua Renouf, I am a London based product designer. I recently just pitched my product the Barisieur to Sir Richard Branson before raising over half a Million dollars on my own on Kickstarter/ Indiegogo. I am a passionate and inquisitive individual who loves to push boundaries and learn. I have sold over 2,000 units globally and am now looking to the next product that will hopefully engage people just as much.


Joshua Renouf is an industrial designer and entrepreneur. He launched the Barisieur on Kickstarter after a lot of demand for the product. He ended up raising over $800,000 through 2,000 backers across the globe. He is now looking to launch more exciting products under the umbrella brand JoyResolve.