Ye Yang GrowWater Water
GrowWater Water is Silver Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Packaging Design Award Category.
GrowWater Water

People will feel that life will be better and believe in the quality of GROW WATER. GROW WATER not only brings thirst to people, but also brings people's attention to healthy lifestyles and their motivation for self actualization. Design concept:The spiral structure at the bottom is inspired by the DNA spiral form, representing the water of life.And based on the brand concept of Oriental philosophy, the inspiration of bottle sticker design comes from the overall layout of the "One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains".And the artistic expression of Mondriaan's modern.

GrowWater Water
Ye Yang GrowWater
Ye Yang Water
Ye Yang design
Ye Yang design
Ye Yang

Yeats is a young designer, she has been involved in creating more than 50 brands, including coffee, drinks, Internet brands, catering brands, ,etc.The clients who served have startups and have served the top 500 in the world.Now starting a business, the pink raccoon Brand Company,Use design thinking to help customers create better brands

Pink raccoon Branding

PRB branding design company develops brand with systematic design thinking.