A-Design Award and Competition
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Plus X Id Frame ID Card Holder
Id Frame ID Card Holder is Golden Design Award winner in 2017 - 2018 Security, Safety and Surveillance Products Design Award Category.
Id Frame ID Card Holder

ID FRAME displays your ID card effectively. It is designed with essential elements required when using. To everyone, it is the best alternative enables to change every company’s ID card holder. It provides an opportunity to people to use well-designed product suitable for every company regardless of size or number of members.

Id Frame ID Card Holder
Plus X Id Frame
Plus X ID Card Holder
Plus X design
Plus X design
Plus X

Plus X is a creative partner who designs Brand eXperience. They design the elements to accurately deliver the goal that the brand pursues in the various communication points to the users and provide the optimal design solution accordingly. They are carrying out projects with experts from various fields such as BX Strategy, BX Design, UX / UI Design, Development, Motion Graphic Design and Product Design. Creating the best synergy, they have been doing wonderful project like BTS, YG ENTERTAINMENT, 11STREET, DOOTA, L.POINT, 29CM, ID FRAME etc.


Plus X is a creative partner that plan and design for an integrated brand experience. Plus X contemplates and designs every brand experiences which can consistently deliver to user their brand’s goal at every marketing touch points.

Saturday 29th March 2025

Results will be Announced to Public on April 15, 2025. Visit our winners' page on April 15, 2025 to see the worlds' leading designs, ideas, trends and concepts in 2025.

Registrations Open

Registration to A' Design Award & Competition 2024-2025 period is now open. Register and upload your design today to know how good your design is: get a complimentary preliminary score.