In this short animated movie, the hero is an associative and adventures spirit, he takes the viewer to a place far away, where precariousness lures in the dark depths of the sea. This story about imaginative play and letting the mind wander, a journey into the subconscious unearthing a wondrous "new world". Every once in a while he just has to release his inner Kraken.
Michael Wiehart is a Swiss transplant living and working in New York City. He moved to New York to open up a branch for the Swiss production company Frame Eleven. He then rose to the ranks of major American companies such as Click 3X and Superfad, where he was the creative lead and served national and international clients and brands. Since 2006 Michael is working independently as a director and creative director creating content and design for live action and motion design projects.
Visual Comforts is a integrated creative and strategic resource built around director and creative director Michael Wiehart. We are a brand driven design and live action production company. Our mission is to collaborate with our clients to help them develop their own unique voice and tell their brand’s stories in the most clever and engaging way. Michael Wiehart works with clients, agencies and other production houses to provide the most effective solution to any given project. He believes that small flexible teams of highly specialized people are key to any successful production. Specialities: Brand driven design, live action and integrated media