andrea bezerra de carvalho macruz Mus2 Wall Lamp
Mus2 Wall Lamp is Bronze Design Award winner in 2017 - 2018 Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Category.
Mus2 Wall Lamp

It's inspiration was the topological deformation of a Möbius strip and developed through a parametric plug in that alters its degree of deformation; it was produced with a 3d printer. It has a complex shape and due to that, each angle/view is unique and different from each other, therefore its design is not monotonous, with very decorative shadows.

Mus2 Wall Lamp
andrea bezerra de carvalho macruz Mus2
andrea bezerra de carvalho macruz Wall Lamp
andrea bezerra de carvalho macruz design
andrea bezerra de carvalho macruz design
andrea bezerra de carvalho macruz

The Studio focuses on the study of Nature and advanced computational systems. We propose a greater connection between man and Nature's shapes and patterns with regards to familiarity and the possibility of bringing inside the house elements that resemble Nature. New technologies allow the reproduction of complex forms and patterns that would be difficult without the computer.

Andrea Macruz

The Studio focuses on the study of Nature and advanced computational systems. We propose a greater connection between man and Nature's shapes and patterns with regards to familiarity and the possibility of bringing inside the house elements that resemble Nature. New technologies allow the reproduction of complex forms and patterns that would be difficult without the computer.