Multibags Rebels are designed for non-conformist individuals who like to rebel against fashion dictation and stereotypes. Multibags can be worn as shoulder bags, crossed over the chest or on back as backpacks. By simply dragging or binding the ropes or changing of knots, the bag is transformed as you need it.
The design studio Franco Arazzi was founded by two independent female designers, Olina Francova and Jitka Arazimova. Together, they created multifunctional leather handmade handbags under new brand Multibags, which can be worn in several different ways - as a bag, packpack, handbag, purse, letter-bags... Furthermore, the Franco Arazzi studio is not focused only on the field of fashion but also on the social nonprofit project, e.g. "ChemoHats" - design of ‘bare head’ hats for women after chemotherapy; or "Handibags" - designs created especially for individuals with various types of physical disabilities according to their needs. The studio Franco Arazzi is based at Prague, Czech Republic.
Olina Francová and Jitka Arazimova, a sculptor and a graphic artist, have been friends since they’ve studied at the Secondary Arts School. Coincidentally, they met six years ago and joined forces under a new brand, Franco Arazzi, to design and sew handmade leather handbags. Creating design in moments when majority of creators say that nothing new can be done completely enchanted them. Nowadays, their work can be easily recognizable even by those who do not care about fashion. You can see them regularly at the Czech Design Week. This year, they also presented their new rebellious collection entitled Multibags Rebels at the London Fashion Week. Exploring the design possibilities of objects that were created to carry things has brought up the issue of multi-functionality as well as creations for the physically challenged. In a special nonprofit project the designers created bags, handbags and backpacks especially for individuals with various types of physical disabilities according to their needs. Their latest nonprofit project focuses on the design of ‘bare head’ hats for women after chemotherapy. It’s also the answer to the question how one of the designers copes with suffering from a bad illness. The common credo of both authors is that good design enriches life and connects people who share the same sentiment. „We confess to sustainable "slow fashion" that for us means rational approach, high quality raw materials and local production - we create handbags that last long, that are multifunctional and we sew ourselves.“ Fashion can be fun for all, from its creators to the people who wear them to ordinary observers. And it doesn’t matter whether you are twenty or a hundred!