Quebra Pedra (Boulder Broker) is a 3D puzzle inspired by ancient buildings, constructed exclusively of stone. This toy is composed of 12 modules, each one crafted by an irregular, dockable shape generator algorithm on a CAD/CAM system, allowing it's fabrication on paperboard via laser cutting or 3D printing techniques. In order to guide the construction, each component has a couple of colored faces, corresponding to its puzzle counterpart.
She is interested in and inspired by rituals, symbols, nature, dreams, travel, our quest for self-development and freedom, and how we piece it together to create personal meaning and a sense of belonging to the greater whole.
CWB based creative atelier Idealized by Priscila Busato and Ana Carolina Lino Buissa has as main objective empowering local creators who want to collaborate & make 'things' happen. We love design, art, poetry and all creative daydreams. We want to make difference. Reach us on instagram @localatelier