This machine is used for washing the small dishes such as spoons, forks and knives and smaller stuff. This device is designed for this work. It contain a part for putting stuff, and chamber is placed on those. This machine need high pressure water and circulation flow of steam for reducing water consumption. This machine washes and dries stuff. Enjoyable experience for washing small containers such as spoons and forks with a special machine and reduce use of dishwasher.
From an early age, I have found interest in Art. Art allows convert fantasy to reality world.After I had graduated from high school, I started study chemical engineering at university, and at same time I had chance to work at photo studio as an editor and logo designer.I further developed my drawing skill and became more interested about the material of product, how made, what is the function.I was drawn to learn about design and I feel art help me to use my science for solving a problem. I loved it and knew that Design is what I wanted to do.So after I graduated BE, I started master of industrial design in Iran university of science and technology, and practiced my skills in this major such as drawing, self-tuition of computer software
A group of young designers are coming together to create new ideas and find solutions to everyday problems. This group in the first step by observing the surroundings is trying to improve the quality of life. This three-handed was established,in Research and Development Laboratory, University of Science and Technolog In 2016. Design team hope to resolve a part of their problems to discover the real needs of the people of the Middle East by designing .