Osram embodies the connection between light, culture, society, consumption and entertainment which are elements that define the fluid chaos of life in the city, projecting this from the reception where a visual code reflecting the identity of the brand is projected giving a changing rhythm to the entire place, surpassing the barriers of what is common, functional and normal; tossing out two and three dimensional lines zigzagging above and below flowing through walls, panels, glass and carpets in multiple points of view geometrically linked.
For Baumgartner it is important to create spaces with sustainable technology that improve the environment, according to the essence, values, characteristics and needs of the project. Baumgartner reflects, “Architecture can be a tool to improve society”. That is why, in order to fully understand the organization he has developed with his own methodologies that empathically help understand the entrails of the company, helping to align strategies, providing architecture solutions that enhance organizational productivity and efficiency, inspiration and happiness of the individual.
A new way of looking at architecture: Intending to be the best if not the biggest, we have integrated an interdisciplinary staff of highly talented and compromised professionals. We take into account the importance of research and technology development, then we include them both in our method of thinking and working, always seeking after Sustainable solutions which not only Respect environment but actually help to improve our natural habitat. We are convinced that ideas move quicker when think of people-technology-space side by side. In this way we have begun by setting intelligent people connected with intelligent technologies into intelligent spaces.