This product in China, is a tea drink with national characteristics. Packaging appears the most distinctive visual elements of the minority. For example, the symbol of ethnic minorities (tau) and architectural features, as well as natural scenery, unique colors, etc.. Consumers can be quickly identified in the market and like it. This product is left behind by the ancestors of the "Yao", the product needs to reflect the authentic visual impression. This package solves these problems.
They are a group of young design team, but they have very rich experience in creative design, many people are aware of their China. They had a lot of service brand, brand image to help find the personality. They can provide strategy, design, implementation and promotion for the new brand. Such as the logo design, VI design, product design, packaging design, book design, space design and network design, brand design they are related to, and can very good complete, many of their customers are very fond of their ideas. It is recognized that in Chinese.
Qian Beiwang is a brand new drink, he wants to express his products. He is famous for the local production, so the packaging is different from the similar products on the market, and it is easy to identify. They found the Ruiyan design team to design their packaging.