Zsófia Beliczay Spongla Jewellery
Spongla Jewellery is Silver Design Award winner in 2016 - 2017 Jewelry Design Award Category.
Spongla Jewellery

The idea of circular economy and resource efficiency is spreading globally among designers as well. She is focusing on objects made of unique secondary raw materials which have been seldom or never used by artists. Therefore she has chosen old foam mattresses to get big amount of sponge for her work. She has been inspired by the new idea of circular economy. How to use recycled sponge for making jewellery at the first sight not obviously made of waste? She has to prove that jewellery made from waste can rival with jewellery made of brand new materials.

Spongla Jewellery
Zsófia Beliczay Spongla
Zsófia Beliczay Jewellery
Zsófia Beliczay design
Zsófia Beliczay design
Zsófia Beliczay

She received her BA in Ceramics. During that time she mastered the use of clay porcelain and cement - materials apps for constructing spatial forms. This is now the core element of her approach. She received her MA at the Budapest Metropolitan University majoring in textile design. Beyond traditional weaving and pattern design techniques she continued to work on three dimensional arts made also from alternative materials such as Plexiglas and plastic tubes. These distinct approaches accumulated in her sculpture-like works. She is frequently experimenting with other materials too. In most cases these allow variation in all directions of the space. She is currently making jewellery recycling old bed foam as secondary raw material.

Beliczay Zsófia

The development of the brand started with applied plastic art – like memorial bronze plackets, awards for sailing competition, medals showing ancient family shields. Later the brand has been extended to sculptures and jewellery. The material depends of the form and function of the objects as ceramic, china, bronze, concrete, plexiglas, plastic, felt and other fabrics, wood and their combination, while in certain cases reused from waste like swam etc.. Two directions of textile design are also part of the brand’s new activities. The one is digital design of patterns for carpets, robes and wrapping paper. But the traditional direction of textile design can also be found in the brand’s collection – individual or limited collection of shawls, cushions, bags made by weaving and spinning.