Autoparktime Nordic AB Autoparktime 4 Magnetic Automatic parking disc
Autoparktime 4 Magnetic Automatic parking disc is Golden Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Digital and Electronic Device Design Award Category.
Autoparktime 4 Magnetic Automatic parking disc

APT4 Magnetic is the modern alternative to the conventional cardboard parking disc. APT4 resets itself automatically every time the vehicle stops and you park the car. You don´t need to do anything at all! This Swedish patent-pending electronic parking disc is simply to use and is installed with a few simple moves. The device is held magnetically to a metal ring that is fixed to the windscreen, and as a result battery replacement and adjustment are done quickly.

Autoparktime 4 Magnetic Automatic parking disc
Autoparktime Nordic AB Autoparktime 4 Magnetic
Autoparktime Nordic AB Automatic parking disc
Autoparktime Nordic AB design
Autoparktime Nordic AB design
Autoparktime Nordic AB

APT4 Magnetic is a Swedish patent-pending electronic parking disc that automatically sets the parking time for a car as soon as the vehicle stops. The Autoparktime disc provides a two-axis accelerometer that detects vehicle movement. The fastening is simple since the device is held magnetically to a metal ring that is fixed to the windscreen. The installation, battery replacement and adjustment are done quickly as a result. APT4 Magnetic has proven to be a practical and modern alternative to conventional parking discs made of cardboard.