Ronald Scliar Sasson De Beers Armchair
De Beers Armchair is Iron Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Furniture Design Award Category.
De Beers Armchair

This project is a conceptual armchair made ​​of brass and leather with organic shape with simple fittings of two volumes, the high-priority format in drop form prevails in the seat and in the approach puff. The project was inspired by the furniture of the 70s, where the organic forms and the use of materials such as brass glitter were predominates. The 70s were also marked by the iconic feature furniture that were used in the decoration of isolated way, making their own expression, as well as my chair.

De Beers  Armchair
Ronald Scliar Sasson De Beers
Ronald Scliar Sasson Armchair
Ronald Scliar Sasson design
Ronald Scliar Sasson

I am a product designer focused on a trait that rescues the classic possibilities with contemporary readings, my focus is on the research of furniture, objects and lamps. I am inspired by the architecture and movements of nature, and I always concentrate on the readings that have been interesting to me in the past, both in terms of designers that I admire and still admire, as in the schools that have always been relevant in my training, such as Bauhaus mainly. I feel that the design I make today has relevance in relating these times, as well as all the contemporary reading that I observe and that I think is important for the formation of my work in the future.

Sergio Bertti Móveis

It is a specialized customer in the luxury market, art gallerist and serves selected customers, so we work the issue of luxury in this project to meet his goals