Vetor Zero / Lobo War on Drugo Short Film
War on Drugo Short Film is Golden Design Award winner in 2015 - 2016 Movie, Video and Animation Design Award Category.
War on Drugo Short Film

Drugo is a short animated film that offers an allegorical take on 40 years of worldwide “war on drugs”. The spot is part of an international campaign by The Global Commission on Drug Policy, which aims to foster a broader discussion about drug policy reform. The art direction, though heavily based on medieval imagery, also incorporates a few contemporary references like helicopters and modern-day favelas, which together with the archetypical language of the fairy tale imparts an atemporal feeling that echoes the convoluted, centuries-old relationship between humankind and recreational

War on Drugo Short Film
Vetor Zero / Lobo War on Drugo
Vetor Zero / Lobo Short Film
Vetor Zero / Lobo design
Vetor Zero / Lobo

As a pioneer studio of 3D animation in Brazil, Vetor Zero has been producing animated content for advertising agencies and clients of various countries for more than two decades. In partnership with Lobo studio, it is managed by producers, directors and designers Sergio Salles, Alceu Baptistão, Alberto Lopes, Nando Cohen, Mateus de Paula Santos and Gabriel Nobrega. With the teamwork of its diverse individuals, Vetor Zero is characterized by its innovative platforms and emerging techniques to produce compelling images for 2D and 3D animation, stop motion, motion graphics, design, live action, illustrations and online content.


Part of the BBDO agency group, Almap is located in São Paulo, Brazil.