Rudy & Billy is wine brand that serves wine in a beer bottle, targeting young people who search for the beer alternatives. Merged letters depict blending between the elegance of wine and practicality of a beer bottle. The idea of "turning wine clichés upside down" is expressed through logo mark which looks the same when standing up and upside-down. Because it looks the same even when turned upside-down, it also has the meaning of "never being down". It communicates positivity and encouragement to overcome any problems, invites users to enjoy their life and have fun.
Luka Balic is award winning brand identity designer from Croatia. His works are regularly featured on design related websites, selected for 5 publications regarding identity design and awarded with over 10 international juried awards. By delivering strong, impact-making identities to clients globally, Luka helps them reach their goals and make their lucid brands come true.
Luka Balic is award-winning graphic designer from Croatia (Europe), whose specialty is Brand Identity Design. By delivering clever, memorable and distinctive solutions to clients globally, he helps them fulfill their goals and reach the full potential of their brands.