Hani Hassan Sports Hall Multypurpose Sports Hall
Sports Hall Multypurpose Sports Hall is Iron Design Award winner in 2013 - 2014 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Sports Hall Multypurpose Sports Hall

this breathtaking sports hall design has raised the standard of excellence for sports activity buildings in Palestine, the new $12 million project features portal frame steel structure spanning up to 65 mts., mounted on concrete support structure, can host 7000 spectators to enjoy Sports, Academic activities, it sets new standard for sustainable architecture, the building saves 40% of energy by generating electricity from its 4000 m2 roof PV solar panels, rainwater harvesting can reduce water consumption up to 2000 m3 per year.

Sports Hall Multypurpose Sports Hall
Hani Hassan Sports Hall
Hani Hassan Multypurpose Sports Hall
Hani Hassan design
Hani Hassan design
Hani Hassan

Design is the language of civilizations expressed through buildings and cities, developing the habitat of man for a better life era after era.

Arab American University

The Arab American University - Jenin was established on September 28, 2000 as the first private university in Palestine, with 6000 students and growing, it is considered the fastest growing university in the Country. The university is developing a very ambitious projects to expand its capacity and improve the quality of education on all levels.