Commissioned by Next Nature, taking the challenge of revitalizing the entrance, lounge, restaurant, and meeting rooms of the Evoluon with limited resources. The goal: to restore the monument's original essence while eliminating clutter. The circular design approach, by utilizing existing furnishings with a fresh blue "skin" to maintain the building's integrity. This blue symbolizes purity and the future, aligning with Next Nature's branding and Philips' legacy. The interior is made of environmentally friendly materials and furniture of local designers.
Twentyfour years of M+R interior architecture While our volatile consumer society is mainly about buying stuff and keeping up with the latest trends, M+R interior architecture pleads for sustainable interiors that still have the wow factor after twenty years. Volatile designs that quickly get you tired are not for us. Durability M+R interior architecture creates interiors for public spaces such as theaters, airports, libraries and innovative work environments. Some of them date back to when M+R was just founded, twenty years ago. Quality and sustainability are returning themes in all our designs. We use high-quality, sustainable materials that we use in a circular manner. We want to prevent the customer from becoming restless and wanting to change after a few years. Volatility should never be the basis. The office projects we design should still feel like home after years. Important factors in this are atmosphere, climate, acoustics and ergonomics.
Next Nature is a network of makers, thinkers, educators and supporters. With members in 44 countries, an international network for anyone interested in the debate on our future in which nature and technology are fusing. The headquarters is the Evoluon in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, planet Earth, the Universe. In a landscape of traditional nature organizations, Next Nature is the only group that approaches the concept of nature in a new way. Preserving nature is of great importance, Daring to look ahead. Growing meat without slaughtering animals? Embrace the robot as a colleague? Earn ECO coins for sustainable actions? Growing babies in artifical wombs one day? Getting forward, not back, to nature. Next Nature explores how technology becomes so omnipresent, complex, intimate and autonomous a nature of its own. Stimulating discussion, initiate publications, events and traveling expositions on how to dream, build and live in the next nature.