Chaos pogo is an open pub brand taking young people as the core, and is dedicated to providing customers with free and safe space for socializing. Designers choose honey badger, a symbol of ardor, youth, and bravery, as the prototype to design wow as its ip image. Its cool appearance and straightforward personality also epitomize the brand culture and character. In addition, the symbols built on wow image features can also be used in the design of brand derivatives, which plays an essential role in connecting customers and enhancing the interaction between customers and brand culture.
Xudong Zhang, an independent designer and contemporary artist, is the founder and chairman of the board of directors of Beijing WOOHOO Technology Co., Ltd. He has generated 230 million searches across the web in 2013 and been engaged in graphic design, brand design, product design, IP design, visual installation art, etc. for 22 years.He has won the Gold Awards of MUSE Design Award, A'DESGIN AWARD&COMPETITION, IAI DESGIN AWARD. He is also a leading figure in Chinese restaurant brand design. Tan Hao, a graduate of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, is the design director of Yenergy Culture. His major works include: China National Offshore Oil Offshore Vessel Cabin Design Standard, Taishan Gypsum 2021-2023 New Product Packaging Design, Beijing Winter Olympic Spirit Exhibition Design Planning.He is also a collaborative designer for the China Academy of Space and Astronautics Lunar Exploration and Mars Project.
CHAOS POGO is an open pub brand taking young people as the core, and dedicated to providing customers with free and safe space for socializing.