Wu yao Chang'an Still Illustration Series
Chang'an Still Illustration Series is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Chang'an Still Illustration Series

Ancient China's Xi'an was called Chang'an Xi'an. In the Chang'an Still Illustration Series, designers envision the reappearance of the scenes recalling the stories that happened in the magical land in ancient times. Look at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in the distance, feel the city that never sleeps at night, see the magnificent Daming Palace, see the ancient city wall with a sense of story, and there are so many scenic spots people can't wait to see. The illustration series is filled with the infinite charm of Xi'an.

Chang'an Still Illustration Series
Wu yao Chang'an Still
Wu yao Illustration Series
Wu yao design
Wu yao design
Wu yao

I'm Wu Yao,In 2019, Beijing Satellite TV invited the designer of the second season of the National Palace Museum, the official cultural and creative designer of Wudang Mountain, the designer recommended by Zhan Ku, the annual cooperative designer of shede liquor industry, and the special designer of the culture and Tourism Bureau of Xi'an Qujiang Management Committee. Together with Baidu and the National Library, they designed the input method skin of Shanhaijing series, and jointly created the online red products "Palace Museum suitcase" and "Zhengda Guangmeng" with the National Palace Museum Before and after cooperation with Xinhuanet, Li Ning, China, Chengdu University Games, shede, vivo, King glory, ZTE, Netease, amuxi, COSCO, China Resources, Dongfeng Motor, etc.

Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Bureau

Implement national provincial and municipal laws regulations and policies on cultural tourism and sports for all Responsible for the development of cultural tourism and sports in Qujiang New Area promoting the integration of cultural tourism and sports industries and formulating and organizing the implementation of relevant support policies Be responsible for the guidance and support of Qujiang New Area's literary and artistic works promote the implementation of cultural benefits for the people and be responsible for the management of cultural funds Be responsible for guiding the quality improvement of the tourism industry in Qujiang New Area providing guarantee for tourism development and promoting the development of new tourism formats such as leisure vacation tourism and night tour Responsible for the overall guidance coordination and management of the creation and evaluation quality improvement IP building and major activities of the A-level key scenic spots in Qujiang New Area Responsible for the industry supervision and overall coordination of high-quality and star rated hotels in Qujiang New Area To be responsible for the supervision of the cultural tourism market order in Qujiang New Area