Yu-Ting Chen Sunmoon Tea Shop
Sunmoon Tea Shop is Bronze Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Sunmoon Tea Shop

These loess bricks have a history of 70 years and are also the main building materials preserved in this case. Carefully keep the loess bricks cut from the hole, and designed the bar counter facade, also that countertop use solid wood to increase the warmth of the space. The designer hope to preserve the traces of times from the exterior to the interior.

Sunmoon  Tea Shop
Yu-Ting Chen Sunmoon
Yu-Ting Chen Tea Shop
Yu-Ting Chen design
Yu-Ting Chen design
Yu-Ting Chen

Downshifting (lifestyle) also known as Simple living is what MUYU Design are Designed For. MUYU Design hope to use this method to customize the needs of each user, and at the same time use material textures and spatial proportions to allow customers to imagine the picture of living in it. By transforming complexity into simplicity and insisting on showing the original appearance of materials, let the occupants can downshifting to a simplified life.

MUYU Interior Design.Co,Ltd

Downshifting (lifestyle) also known as Simple living is what we are Designed For. In order to integrate the client's imagination of the future into the design, we hope to simplify what they want through the design methods, and advocate building with natural materials, so that people's body and mind can stay and rest in this space.