Ching Yu Chen Love Church
Love Church is Iron Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Love Church

The multi-functional definitions of a single unit can be seen throughout the various units in the project. For instance, the main hall is the venue for church members to gather on weekends, but acts as a senior day care center on weekdays – the affiliated social welfare institute corresponding to the aging population. The secondary hall provides a space for youth to gather on weekends but can be used as a gym and for dance practices and socializing on weekdays.

Love Church
Ching Yu Chen Love
Ching Yu Chen Church
Ching Yu Chen design
Ching Yu Chen design
Ching Yu Chen

In their interior design career, they are committed to designing designs that conform to humanity, aesthetics, environmental protection, economy, and sustainability in every case, allowing people to feel special dignity and dignity in space, and have a sense of responsibility for the world.