Halo Design Studio Heargo Visual Identity
Heargo Visual Identity is Iron Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Heargo Visual Identity

HearGo is a pioneering online hearing care platform that brings certified hearing experts straight to the patient's door, making hearing care more convenient, accessible, and comfortable. Combined with the idea of soundwave and Bluetooth, the logomark "h" is created to convey the online hearing services provided by HearGo. The brand identity and marketing materials are set in a lively and warm color tone to reflect the innovation of the remote hearing care experience. The soundwave pattern in a circle is used on all brand materials to keep the brand identity consistent.

Heargo  Visual Identity
Halo Design Studio Heargo
Halo Design Studio Visual Identity
Halo Design Studio design
Halo Design Studio design
Halo Design Studio

Halo Design Studio is an independent graphic design studio based in Hong Kong since 2018. Their works cover brand identity, print communications, art direction, websites and packaging.