Jin Zhang Zhu Xixi Gift Box
Zhu Xixi Gift Box is Iron Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Packaging Design Award Category.
Zhu Xixi Gift Box

2022 is the year of the tiger in the Chinese lunar calendar. The most direct way is to use tiger graphics. The designer uses the similar pronunciation of tiger and blessing in Chinese, and uses five tigers to express wu fu lin men (a Chinese idiom, commonly used in New Years). use idioms and graphics to form double New Year's blessings. Bold orange and green contrasting colors make the whole package more stylish. The box can be used as a decorative painting, and at the same time, there is a colorable tiger picture for people to interact.

Zhu Xixi Gift Box
Jin Zhang Zhu Xixi
Jin Zhang Gift Box
Jin Zhang design
Jin Zhang design
Jin Zhang

Jin Zhang, also known as Sanbu, has been continuously engaged in brand and product packaging strategy, design, and practice for 15 years. In 2020, he founded the Wuhan Sanbu brand design and also served as the chief designer, He is the most popular design force in central China. He also serves as Vice President of Wuhan Designer Salon, National Member of the Design Committee of the China Packaging Federation, Member of CDS Chinese Designer Salon, and Practical Mentor of Design Majors in Four Universities in China. Jin Zhang excels in creating brand and product packaging designs that combine aesthetic and commercial value by combining cultural and emotional elements to create core differences. He has long provided services to well-known brands such as Yellow Crane Tower, Yingbo Jinlongquan Beer, and TsingTao Beer, and his design works have won more than 130 professional design awards at home and abroad. including New York TDC Awards,Communication Arts, Graphics Gold Award, MUSE Platinum Award, A'Design Silver Award, IDA Silver Award, the DNA Paris Design Award, the German Best Brand Award, New York Product Design Award Silver Award, the Taiwan Gold Dot Award, Red Cotton Design Award, China Star Silver Award, Central South Star Gold Award, etc.

Wuhan Sanbu Brand Design

Sanbu Brand Design is a comprehensive brand design agency with the goal of making designs that convey feelings. Focus on providing customers with brand design and packaging design services. Services include but are not limited to: brand and package designs on agriculture, food, wine, tea, Coffee, dairy, catering, education and training, clothing, automobiles, cultural and creative industries. Sanbu brand design has won nearly 100 design awards in the world in just a few years, which is the greatest affirmation of professionalism.