Przemek Hajek Afterimages Magazine
Afterimages Magazine is Silver Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Print and Published Media Design Award Category.
Afterimages Magazine

The graphic design concept and visual communication for the Afterimages art magazine is coherent: from logo, identity to the layout. The main goal of the project was to tackle with the legacy of the Strzeminski Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz and create a modern version of it that stems from the avant-garde tradition. Rough quality paper, dry-stamping technique, the printing colour (Pantone) applied to the cover, corresponds to the topic of each issue. The magazine is richly illustrated, filled with quality photos, and in this respect it resembles life style magazine.

Afterimages Magazine
Przemek Hajek Afterimages
Przemek Hajek Magazine
Przemek Hajek design
Przemek Hajek design
Przemek Hajek

Born in Łódź in 1980. He began his studies in 2000 and in 2005 he obtained his master degree with honours in Professor Jerzy Treliński’s Visual Information Studio, a unit of the Department of Graphic Design in the Faculty of Graphics and Painting at the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź. In 2002 he participated in the Erasmus Programme in the Media & Communication School in Kouvola, Finland, and in 2005 he was granted a scholarship of the Danish government in Danmarks Designskole in Copenhagen. In 2006 he was granted the position of the assistant in Professor Treliński’s Visual Information Studio. Since 2010 he has been the assistant of Associate Professor Piotr Karczewski, In 2018 he has got the PhD (Visual information for the City Parks in Lodz). Currently working as graphic design PhD teacher at the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź (Identity Graphic Studio) and art director in publishing house 'Afterimages'.