Zheng Wang Golden Hill Delicates Restaurant
Golden Hill Delicates Restaurant is Bronze Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Golden Hill Delicates Restaurant

Unlike other dining spaces, Golden Hill Delicates incorporates the "Peach Blossom Spring" into the space, rather than simply printing it on the wall. The modern design approach is a new interpretation of ancient charm and modern aesthetics, allowing diners to feel the rhyme and the meaning. The design of this case draws on the design of the Master of the Nets Garden, making full use of the complex and varied characteristics of the space, turning the difficulties into advantages, using stairs and viewing lawns to link and connect the various spaces.

Golden Hill Delicates Restaurant
Zheng Wang Golden Hill Delicates
Zheng Wang Restaurant
Zheng Wang design
Zheng Wang design
Zheng Wang

One of the most influential architects and space designers in contemporary China;President of PAN-CHINA GROUP (SMART CITY);Member of the 6th Youth Federation, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China;The 6th director of Beijing Chaoyang Overseas Friendship Association;Vice president of SZAID;Founder of SEEK Design Group

Seek Design

We are interested in the renewal and development of existing cities and the transformation of old buildings, and actively practice and accumulate rich experience in this respect. We hope to cross a single stage of design experience. With the help of multi-disciplinary integration ability, the "3 +" concept of "design + green, design + low-carbon, design + emerging formats" will be incorporated into the basic design guidelines to make contributions to the redevelopment of cities and buildings. "Green" is nature, is an attitude, is the real inner needs of Chinese people; "low carbon" is the method, is the structure. Recycling is a mode of our recent practice, through the reuse of a large number of building materials generated from the demolition of abandoned dangerous buildings, to prevent unsustainable resource exploitation, use existing building materials, and avoid the consumption of natural resources. The choice of material reuse helps to reduce the environmental impact of the material cycle and improve the building performance. On this basis, green bricks are used again, waste becomes resources, and building element materials are redefined as part of building services. "Emerging format" is a new service format in addition to the traditional format. We can contribute to all aspects of sustainable development of product design through prediction research, and focus on the future and consider growth in this process, so as to realize the development leap from space physical design to space environment design and space integration design.