Falcon is a robust robot of adaptable, minimal size that is able to overcome and effectively inspect and monitor the complicated environment in false ceilings. Equipped with sensors, imaging devices on board, the robot is able to provide real time support and thereby aid in providing control measures to improve the environment.
Our Robotics and Automation Research (ROAR) Laboratory at SUTD is a leading research laboratory that specializes in reconfigurable robotics and has contributed to significant intellectual outcomes, novel robotic platforms, impactful applications, patents, and commercial products. We have developed a new branch of robotics, namely tiling robotics and a stream of associated research topics. Also, ROAR lab is the only robotics lab globally that targets research into the design of robots, design for robot and design by robot fields. The lab is positioning itself as a catalyst in the transformation of multiple Singapore based companies into global robotic product manufacturers like Lionsbot.
The Singapore University of Technology and Design is established to advance knowledge and nurture technically-grounded leaders and innovators to serve societal needs, with a focus on Design, through an integrated multi-disciplinary curriculum and multi-disciplinary research.